if(!( Sys.info()[['sysname']]=="Windows") ){
# if on Windows, cut and paste this example
chart.RollingPerformance(edhec[, 1:3], width = 24)
chart.RollingPerformance(edhec[, 1:3],
FUN = 'mean', width = 24, colorset = rich8equal,
lwd = 2, legend.loc = "topleft",
main = "Rolling 24-Month Mean Return")
chart.RollingPerformance(edhec[, 1:3],
FUN = 'SharpeRatio.annualized', width = 24,
colorset = rich8equal, lwd = 2, legend.loc = "topleft",
main = "Rolling 24-Month Sharpe Ratio")
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab