The Free Algebra in R
The free algebra is an interesting and useful object. Here I present the
package which provides some functionality for free algebra in
the R programming environment. The package uses the C++ map
class for
efficiency and conforms to disordR
discipline. Several use-cases are
You can install the released version of freealg
CRAN with:
# install.packages("freealg") # uncomment this to install the package
The free algebra
The free algebra is the free R-module with a basis consisting of all words over an alphabet of symbols with multiplication of words defined as concatenation. Thus, with an alphabet of and
we would have
A natural and easily implemented extension is to use upper-case symbols to represent multiplicative inverses of the lower-case equivalents (formally we would use the presentation ). Thus if
we would have
The system inherits associativity from associativity of concatenation, and distributivity is assumed, but it is not commutative.
The freealg
package in use
Creating a free algebra object is straightforward. We can coerce from a character string with natural idiom:
X <- as.freealg("1 + 3a + 5b + 5abba")
#> free algebra element algebraically equal to
#> + 1 + 3*a + 5*abba + 5*b
or use a more formal method:
#> free algebra element algebraically equal to
#> + a + 2*ab + 3*abc + 4*abcd + 5*abcde
Y <- as.freealg("6 - 4a +2aaab")
#> free algebra element algebraically equal to
#> + 7 - a + 2*aaab + 5*abba + 5*b
#> free algebra element algebraically equal to
#> + 6 + 14*a - 12*aa + 6*aaaab + 2*aaab + 30*abba - 20*abbaa + 10*abbaaaab + 30*b
#> - 20*ba + 10*baaab
#> free algebra element algebraically equal to
#> + 1 + 6*a + 9*aa + 15*aabba + 15*ab + 10*abba + 15*abbaa + 25*abbaabba +
#> 25*abbab + 10*b + 15*ba + 25*babba + 25*bb
We can demonstrate associativity (which is non-trivial):
(x1 <- rfalg(inc=TRUE))
#> free algebra element algebraically equal to
#> + 7*C + 6*Ca + 4*B + 3*BC + a + 5*aCBB + 2*bc
(x2 <- rfalg(inc=TRUE))
#> free algebra element algebraically equal to
#> + 6 + CAAA + 2*Ca + 3*Cbcb + 7*aaCA + 4*b + 5*c
(x3 <- rfalg(inc=TRUE))
#> free algebra element algebraically equal to
#> + 3*C + 5*CbAc + BACB + 2*a + 10*b + 7*cb
(function rfalg()
generates random freealg
objects). Then
x1*(x2*x3) == (x1*x2)*x3
#> [1] TRUE
Further information
For more detail, see the package vignette