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deSilvaFreq: Estimate Allele Frequencies with EM Algorithm


This function uses the method of De Silva et al. (2005) to estimate allele frequencies under polysomic inheritance with a known selfing rate.


deSilvaFreq(object, self, samples = Samples(object),
            loci = Loci(object), initNull = 0.15,
            initFreq = simpleFreq(object[samples, loci]),
            tol = 1e-08, maxiter = 1e4)


A data frame containing the estimated allele frequencies. The row names are population names from PopNames(object). The first column shows how many genomes each population has. All other columns represent alleles (including one null allele per locus). These column names are the locus name and allele name separated by a period.



A "genambig" or "genbinary" object containing the dataset of interest. All ploidies for samples and loci should be the same, and this should be an even number. PopInfo must also be filled in for samples.


A number between 1 and 0, indicating the rate of selfing.


An optional character vector indicating a subset of samples to use in the calculation.


An optional character vector indicating a subset of loci for which to calculate allele frequencies.


A single value or numeric vector indicating initial frequencies to use for the null allele at each locus.


A data frame containing allele frequencies (for non-null loci) to use for initialization. This needs to be in the same format as the output of simpleFreq with a single “Genomes” column (similarly to the format of the output of deSilvaFreq). By default, the function will do a quick estimation of allele frequencies using simpleFreq and then initialize the EM algorithm at these frequencies.


The tolerance level for determining when the results have converged. Where p2 and p1 are the current and previous vectors of allele frequencies, respectively, the EM algorithm stops if sum(abs(p2-p1)/(p2+p1)) <= tol.


The maximum number of iterations that will be performed for each locus and population.


Lindsay V. Clark


Most of the SAS code from the supplementary material of De Silva et al. (2005) is translated directly into the R code for this function. The SIMSAMPLE (or CreateRandomSample in the SAS code) function is omitted so that the actual allelic phenotypes from the dataset can be used instead of simulated phenotypes. deSilvaFreq loops through each locus and population, and in each loop tallies the number of alleles and sets up matrices using GENLIST, PHENLIST, RANMUL, SELFMAT, and CONVMAT as described in the paper. Frequencies of each allelic phenotype are then tallied across all samples in that population with non-missing data at the locus. Initial allele frequencies for that population and locus are then extraced from initFreq and adjusted according to initNull. The EM iteration then begins for that population and locus, as described in the paper (EXPECTATION, GPROBS, and MAXIMISATION).

Each repetition of the EM algorithm includes an expectation and maximization step. The expectation step uses allele frequencies and the selfing rate to calculate expected genotype frequencies, then uses observed phenotype frequencies and expected genotype frequencies to estimate genotype frequencies for the population. The maximization step uses the estimated genotype frequencies to calculate a new set of allele frequencies. The process is repeated until allele frequencies converge.

In addition to returning a data frame of allele frequencies, deSilvaFreq also prints to the console the number of EM repetitions used for each population and locus. When each locus and each population is begun, a message is printed to the console so that the user can monitor the progress of the computation.


De Silva, H. N., Hall, A. J., Rikkerink, E., and Fraser, L. G. (2005) Estimation of allele frequencies in polyploids under certain patterns of inheritance. Heredity 95, 327--334

See Also

simpleFreq, write.freq.SPAGeDi, GENLIST


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
## An example with a long run time due to the number of alleles

# create a dataset for this example
mygen <- new("genambig", samples=c(paste("A", 1:100, sep=""),
                                   paste("B", 1:100, sep="")),
             loci=c("loc1", "loc2"))
PopNames(mygen) <- c("PopA", "PopB")
PopInfo(mygen) <- c(rep(1, 100), rep(2, 100))
mygen <- reformatPloidies(mygen, output="one")
Ploidies(mygen) <- 4
Usatnts(mygen) <- c(2, 2)
Description(mygen) <- "An example for allele frequency calculation."

# create some genotypes at random for this example
for(s in Samples(mygen)){
    Genotype(mygen, s, "loc1") <- sample(seq(120, 140, by=2),
                                         sample(1:4, 1))
for(s in Samples(mygen)){
    Genotype(mygen, s, "loc2") <- sample(seq(130, 156, by=2),
                                         sample(1:4, 1))
# make one genotype missing
Genotype(mygen, "B4", "loc2") <- Missing(mygen)

# view the dataset

# calculate the allele frequencies if the rate of selfing is 0.2
myfrequencies <- deSilvaFreq(mygen, self=0.2)

# view the results

## An example with a shorter run time, for checking that the funciton
## is working.  Genotype simulation is also a bit more realistic here.

# Create a dataset for the example.
mygen <- new("genambig", samples=paste("A", 1:100, sep=""), loci="loc1")
PopNames(mygen) <- "PopA"
PopInfo(mygen) <- rep(1, 100)
mygen <- reformatPloidies(mygen, output="one")
Ploidies(mygen) <- 4
Usatnts(mygen) <- 2
for(s in Samples(mygen)){
    alleles <- unique(sample(c(122,124,126,0), 4, replace=TRUE,
                             prob = c(0.3, 0.2, 0.4, 0.1)))
    Genotype(mygen, s, "loc1") <- alleles[alleles != 0]
    if(length(Genotype(mygen, s, "loc1"))==0)
        Genotype(mygen, s, "loc1") <- Missing(mygen)

# We have created a random mating populations with four alleles
# including one null.  The allele frequencies are given in the
# 'prob' argument.

# Estimate allele frequencies
myfreq <- deSilvaFreq(mygen, self=0.01)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab