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bustardbustard ----------- .. image:: https://badges.gitter.im/mozillazg/bustard.svg :alt: Join the cha...bypyDocuments: ~~~~~~~~~~ See: https://github.com/houtianze/bypy Version History: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ...c7n.. image:: https://badges.gitter.im/capitalone/cloud-custodian.svg :target: https://gitter.im/c...cadnano =================================================================== cadnano: computer-aided design ...caldwell-dirtyfields=================== Django Dirty Fields =================== Tracking changed fields on a Django mod...call_seqUNKNOWNcall_seq_browserUNKNOWNcallisto-corecallisto-core ============= |Join the chat at https://gitter.im/SexualHealthInnovations/callisto-co...calystoLibraries and Languages for IPython and PythoncaravelUNKNOWNcarraycarray is a chunked container for numerical data. Chunking allows for efficient enlarging/shrinking...cdpChange Directory boosted. changesCopyright (c) 2013 Michael Joseph Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtai...ChatterBotChatterBot is a machine learning, conversational dialog engine. Home-page: https://github.com/gunth...chemviewA Custom Jupyter Widget LibrarychopsticksChopsticks ========== Chopsticks is an orchestration library: it lets you manage and configure remo...cinemaflixCinemaflix ========== |Join the chat at https://gitter.im/walidsa3d/cinemaflix| |downloads| |versio...CIRCexplorer2CIRCexplorer2 ------------- .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/YangLab/CIRCexplorer2.svg?branch=maste...CiwCiw === A discrete event simulation library for queueing networks ---------------------------------...clize***** Clize ***** .. image:: https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg :alt: Join the chat at htt...cloudaux# cloudaux [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/Netflix-Skunkworks/cloudaux](https://badges.gitter...cloudshell-cp-vcenterUNKNOWNcltkThe Classical Language Toolkit (CLTK) is a framework for natural language processing for Classical l...connexionConnexion ========= .. image:: https://badges.gitter.im/zalando/connexion.svg :alt: Join the cha...contomlA TOML serializer/deserializer for Python that tries its best to preserve order of table mappings, f...cooler# Cooler [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mirnylab/cooler.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-...corpkitUNKNOWNcorrplotA graphical display of a correlation matrix or general matrix. It also contains some algorithms to d...creavelcrypto-allauth# Welcome to crypto-allauth [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Solution4Future/crypto-allauth.s...css-html-js-minifyStandAlone Async single-file cross-platform no-dependencies Unicode-ready Python3-ready Minifier for...ctf-cliContainers Testing Framework CLI ================================ .. image:: https://badge.fury.io/...cuavA set of python libraries and tools developed by CanberraUAV for the Outback Challenge. This include...cubaUNKNOWNcvxpyUNKNOWNdammitdammit! ======= .. image:: https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg :alt: Join the chat at https...datacleaner A Python tool that automatically cleans data sets and readies them for analysis. Contact =========...datajointAn object-relational mapping and relational algebra to facilitate data definition and data manipulat...dateparser==================================================== dateparser -- python parser for human readable ...dbtddestiny-django-paginationAbout the fork -------------- This project is a fork of apparently dead "django-pagination" project...debpackagerdefinitionDefinition ========== Fetch definition from 5 or more online dictionaries Available easily from PyP...dependenpydependenpy ========== .. image:: https://pypip.in/version/dependenpy/badge.svg :target: https:/...devp2p=============================== pydevp2p =============================== .. image:: https://badges....dgitdgit is an application on top of git. A lot of data-scientists' time goes towards generating, shapi...didyoumean-suggestionsUNKNOWNdj-pagination======================== dj-pagination ======================== .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/py...djangae# Djangae [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/potatolondon/djangae](https://badges.gitter.im/Join...django-admin-easydjango-admin-easy ================= Collection of admin fields, decorators and mixin to help to cre...django-adminactions=================== django-adminactions =================== .. image:: https://badges.gitter.im/Joi...django-advanced-filtersDjango Advanced Filters ======================= +-----------+------------------+-------------------...django-audit-log============================ django-audit-log ============================ Tracking changes to djan...django-basisUNKNOWNdjango-boto# Django-boto Is an implementation of `Django` integration with [Amazon AWS](http://aws.amazon.com/...django-cacheopsCacheops ======== |Gitter| A slick app that supports automatic or manual queryset caching and au...django-cacheops-with-statsCacheops ======== A slick app that supports automatic or manual queryset caching and automatic gran...django-cc# django-cc # Django-cryptocurrencies web wallet for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Sim...django-concurrency================== Django Concurrency ================== django-concurrency is an optimistic lock ...django-crudbuilder|Build|_ |CodeHealth|_ |coverage|_ |pypi|_ |CodeQuality|_ .. |Build| image:: https://travis-ci.org/...django-dirtyfields=================== Django Dirty Fields =================== .. image:: https://badges.gitter.im/Joi...django-eighty-days============================= django-eighty-days ============================= .. image:: https://b...django-gcm-android-ios====================== Django GCM Android iOS ====================== django-gcm-android-ios is ...django-geolocationUNKNOWNdjango-geoposition================== django-geoposition ================== A model field that can hold a geoposition ...django-gitlab-loggingDjango GitLab Logging ===================== Django GitLab Logging is a custom log handler that has ...django-jinja-knockout===================== django-jinja-knockout ===================== .. _celery: http://www.celeryproj...django-mailbox.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/coddingtonbear/django-mailbox.png?branch=master :target: https:/...django-mapped-fieldsDjango Mapped Fields ==================== A set of form fields to make it easier to accept semi-str...django-ninecms======= NineCMS ======= Nine CMS is a Django app to manage content. Users can create content and pu...django-oneall.. coding: utf-8 django-oneall - Django Authentication support for OneAll =========================...django-pgviewsSQL Views for Postgres ====================== |Gitter| |Circle CI| Adds first-class support for `P...django-react-commentsDjango comment module using in reactJS. Currently only stores to db and uses a dummy user and post.django-redis-pubsub=================== Django Redis PubSub =================== .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/andrew...django-request-mockDjango Request Mock =================== Django Request Mock is an helper that allows you to generat...django-rest-framework-mongoenginesee https://github.com/umutbozkurt/django-rest-framework-mongoengine/blob/master/README.mddjango-rolodex======= [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/DallasMorningNews/django-rolodex](https://badges.gitt...django-s3filedjango-schedulerDjango Scheduler ======== [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/l...django-shopdjango-SHOP =========== |Build Status| |PyPI version| |Join the chat at https://gitter.im/awesto/dj...django-silk#Silk *Silk has now moved to the django-silk organization and is looking for contributors - if you ...django-stdimagedjango-templated-email============================== Django-Templated-Email ============================== |GitterBadge|_...django-templated-email-db========== Django-Templated-Email ========== :Info: A Django oriented templated email sending class ...django-textdjango-text =========== |Join the chat at https://gitter.im/antonagestam/django-text| |Get download...django-viesdjango-whoshereDjango WhosHere ======================== A lightweight Django Admin plugin showing who's logged ...dnscherryDnsCherry ========= .. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kakwa/dnscherry/master/resources/s...dock-upload-test# dock [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/bripkens/dock](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.sv...domainicsUNKNOWNdomplus======= domplus ======= .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/eabps/domplus.png?branch=master :target:...dookumentationdookumentation ============== |The Dark Side of Documentation| Usage: ~~~~~~ .. code:...dota2apidota2api: wrapper and parser ============================ .. image:: https://badges.gitter.im/Jo...douban.fmjust enjoydrcDjango comment module using in reactJS. Currently only stores to db and uses a dummy user and post.drf-nested-routers**This is a work in progress. It "works for me" at www.apiregistro.com.br, but I cannot warranty th...drf-routersdrf-routers ===================== Sourcecode of this package is based from: https://github.com/alan...droneapiPython language bindings for the DroneApi (includes the droneapi MAVProxy module)dronekitPython API for communication and control of drones over MAVLink.ds18b20UNKNOWNdynamic-restDynamic REST ============ **Dynamic API extensions for Django REST Framework** See http://dynamic-...ecmcliecmcli ====== **CLI for Cradlepoint ECM** |Maturity| |License| |Change Log| |Build Status| |Versio...ecstasy******* Ecstasy ******* .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/goldsborough/ecstasy.svg?branch=master :...efelThe Electrophys Feature Extract Library (eFEL) allows neuroscientists to automatically extract featu...emperorEmperor: a tool for visualizing high-throughput microbial community data EMPeror: a tool for visual...ensime_launcherUNKNOWNepguides-apiUNKNOWNepistasisUNKNOWN ERAlchemyEntity relation diagrams generator ================================== |Join the chat at https://git...eskyEsky - keep frozen apps fresh ============================== Esky is an auto-update framework for ...eth-testrpc# Ethereum Test RPC server [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/pipermerriam/eth-testrpc](https://...ethereum=================================================== Ethereum -- Next generation cryptocurrency netwo...evolqgProvides functions for covariance matrix comparisons, estimation of repeatabilities in measurements ...exolineExoline ======= [![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/exoline.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/py/exol...exotelexotel-py --------- Python module for exotels call and sms api’s installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...ezhilEzhil is a Tamil programming language for early educationezsummaryFunctions that simplify the process of generating print-ready data summary using 'dplyr' syntax.factopyfactopy ======= |GNU/AGPL License| |Build Status| |Coverage Status| |Code Health| |django packages ...fallingskyThe Tragedy of the Falling Sky intends to be a RPG style block game. It is still in very early devel...FarFar === |PyPI Version| |PyPI Downloads| |PyPI License| |GitHub tag| |GitHub release| |Build Status...fastcacheC implementation of Python 3 functools.lru_cache. Provides speedup of 10-30x over standard library....fgmk************************************************************** FGMK - A interface to generate code, ...figgypyfiggypy ======= |Chat on Gitter| |Build Status| A simple configuration parser. Installation -----...FirenadoFirenado Framework ================== **master:** |travis_master| |landscape_master| |readthedocs_l...Flask-CASFlask-CAS ========= Flask-CAS is a Flask extension which makes it easy to authenticate with a CAS. ...Flask-ClassfulFlask-Classful -------------- Class based views for Flask Flask-Limiter.. |travis-ci| image:: https://img.shields.io/travis/alisaifee/flask-limiter/master.svg?style=flat-s...Flask-MABFlask-MAB ------------- An implementation of the multi-armed bandit optimization pattern as a Flask...Flask-Material=============== Flask-Material =============== Flask-Material packages `MaterializeCSS` flask-restplus============== Flask RestPlus ============== Flask-RESTPlus is an extension for `Flask`_ that adds ...Flask-SuperAdminFlask-SuperAdmin ================ .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/SyrusAkbary/Flask-SuperAdmin.pn...flatbuffersPython runtime library for use with the Flatbuffers serialization format.flotillaflotilla ======== ``flotilla`` is a Python package for visualizing transcriptome (RNA expression) d...fn.pyFn.py: enjoy FP in Python ========================= .. image:: https://badges.gitter.im/fnpy/fn.py....foremastSpinnaker Foremast ================== .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/gogoair/foremast.svg?branch=...formskitUNKNOWNfriskUNKNOWNfuncyA fancy and practical functional toolsfurs_fiscalUNKNOWNFyresideFyreside is a talker-style MUD with card game features built to use qtMUDgagarStandalone graphical agar.io Python client using GTKgaiaA flexible geospatial workflow framework.GGally The R package 'ggplot2' is a plotting system based on the grammar of graphics. 'GGally' extends 'gg...gh-notifierUNKNOWNghtalksGenerate a static site with your slide decksgifshareStore images in S3git-svn-clone-externalsClone an svn checkout in a tree of nested git-svn reposglimA modern framework for the webglitchglitch jpg filesgoenrichGO enrichment with python -- pandas meets networkxgoescalibrationA python library that allow to calibrate netcdf images of the NOAA CLASS (Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System).goesdownloaderA python library that allow to download the netcdf images of the NOAA CLASS (Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System).goldilocksLocating genomic regions that are "just right".gpuRProvides GPU enabled functions for R objects in a simple and approachable manner. New gpu* and vcl*...graffiti_monkeyA service that propagates tags from EC2 instances to EBS Volumes, and then to EBS SnapshotsgraphcoreUNKNOWNgrassUNKNOWNgreenGreen is a clean, colorful, fast python test runner.grmpyEstimator for the generalized Roy Modelh2o_pysparkling_1.6PySparkling and Spark Version ============================= There exist multiple PySparkling package...h2o_pysparkling_2.0PySparkling and Spark Version ============================= There exist multiple PySparkling package...harold|GitHub license| |Join the chat at https://gitter.im/ilayn/harold| harold ====== A systems and co...hazelcast-python-clientHazelcast Python Client ======================= .. image:: https://badges.gitter.im/hazelcast/hazel...hbmqttMQTT client/brocker using Python 3.4 asyncio libraryhproseHprose is a High Performance Remote Object Service Engine.hugA Python framework that makes developing APIs as simple as possible, but no simpler.hwtUNKNOWNhydrachainHydraChain ========== [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/HydraChain/hydrachain](https://badges.g...ikpyUNKNOWN imbalanced-learn.. -*- mode: rst -*- imbalanced-learn ================ imbalanced-learn is a python package offeri...INGIniousAn intelligent grader that allows secured and automated testing of code made by students.ishellBuild Interactive Shells with PythonisortA Python utility / library to sort Python imports.ISStreamerA python module to simplify the process of getting log data to Initial State's platformjottacloudclientVarious clients and tools for JottaCloud.comjottalibA library to access the JottaCloud APIjson-rpcJSON-RPC transport realisationjsonapiJSON API realisationjupyterbarA little statusbar for http://jupyter.org (http://ipython.org/) on OS X written in Python.keteparahaKeteparaha is a tool for testing modern JS heavy websitesleocornus.py.sandboxPlay ground for learning Python languageleocornus.recipe.distributezc.buildout recipe for package and distribute files, modules, libs, archives, etc.m2bkA command line tool to orchestrate MongoDB backupsmahotasMahotas: Computer Vision LibraryMaTiSSe.pyMaTiSSe.py, Markdown To Impressive Scientific SlidesMAVProxyMAVProxy MAVLink ground stationmayan-edmsFree Open Source Electronic Document Management SystemmcloudA tool that helps you manage Docker based deploymentsmemeUse the command line to generate memes on memegenerator.comltspMachine Learning Time-Series PlatformmnjMnj (Mongo Energy) is a helper library to simplify PyMongo interactionmtgConsole-based access to the Gatherer Magic Card Database.musicazooModular media playermyfitnesspalAccess health and fitness data stored in MyfitnesspalmyqlPython Wrapper for the Yahoo! Query Language. Allowing to run YQL queries, fetch financial data and create YQL Open TablesneomodelAn object mapper for the neo4j graph database.netcdfA python library that allow to use one or multiple NetCDF files in a transparent way through polimorphic methods.noaaclassA python library that allow to request images to the NOAA CLASS (Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System).oauth2library for OAuth version 1.0oauth2.3library for OAuth version 1.0observableevent system for pythonokcupydA package for interacting with okcupid.comOpenML'OpenML.org' is an online machine learning platform where researchers can automatically share data, ...pakitBuild and manage programs simplypandas_datareaders_unofficialPandas DataReaders with requests and requests-cachepandas_degreedaysPandas degree daysparseratorCreate parsersPathomxMetabolic pathway visualisation and analysis.PCloudCVCloudCV Python APIsphySpike sorting and ephys data analysis for 1000 channels and beyondpic2mapDisplay pictures location in a mappinax-bloga Django blog apppinax-theme-bootstrapa theme for Pinax based on BootstrappipeRProvides various styles of function chaining methods: Pipe operator, Pipe object, and pipeline funct...pvcPython vSphere Client with a dialog(1) interfacepy-web-searchA Python module to fetch and parse results from different search engines.PyBBIOA Python library for Arduino-style hardware IO support on the BeagleBone and BeagleBone BlackpyblishPlug-in driven automation framework for contentpycalphadCALPHAD tools for designing thermodynamic models, calculating phase diagrams and investigating phase equilibria.pycrestEasy interface to the CREST APIpydiployA tool to deploy applications, and automate processing with fabricpyesPython Elastic Search driverpyethereumNext generation cryptocurrency networkpyfoliopyfolio is a Python library for performance and risk analysis of financial portfoliospygraph_redisPython Library to manipulate directed graphs in redispygrokA Python library to parse strings and extract information from structured/unstructured datapyhamtoolsCollection of Tools for Amateur Radio developerspyhoconHOCON parser for PythonpyhookedPure Python hotkey hook, with thanks to pyHook and pyhkpyicloudPyiCloud is a module which allows pythonistas to interact with iCloud webservices.pyicloud_dwohPyiCloud is a module which allows pythonistas to interact with iCloud webservices. This is an unofficial fork of the official package 'pyicloud'.pyjadeJade syntax template adapter for Django, Jinja2, Mako and Tornado templatespykakasiPython implementation of kakasi - kana kanji simple inversion librarypykurentoA python kurento client based on websocket-clientpylinacA toolkit for performing TG-142 QA-related tasks on a linear acceleratorpymatbridgepymatbridge is a set of python and matlab functions to allow these two systems to talk to each otherpymoresaneCUDA-accelerated implementation of the MORESANE deconvolution algorithmpyNESPython Programming for Nintendo 8bitspyramid_sacrudPyramid SQLAlchemy CRUD.pyramid_swaggerSwagger tools for use in pyramid webappspyRVTSeismologic Random Vibration Theorypytest-allure-adaptorPlugin for py.test to generate allure xml reportspython-safeSpatial Analysis Functional Enginepython-thumbnailsThumbnails for Django, Flask and other Python projects.python-timeuuidpython-timeuuid is a fast Python library for sensibly dealing with Version 1 UUID (or TimeUUID).python_wrap_casesSimple library for generate test cases.pyxtrabackupPercona Xtrabackup python wrapperqiita-spotsQiita: Spot PatternsquoraFetches and parses data from Quora.ramsesGenerate a RESTful API for Pyramid using RAMLrandomNamesFunction for generating random gender and ethnicity correct first and/or last names. Names are chose...reconRecon is a Trigger-based replacement for RANCID.redgreenunittestThis is literally an exact clone of unittest (from Python 2.7), but with colors.requerySimple way to store and use queries in database for use of DBA for Django AdminrgkitGame Engine for Robot GamerlistProvides a set of functions for data manipulation with list objects, including mapping, filtering, g...RNFtoolsA package for Read Naming Format (RNF).robotframework-rideRIDE :: Robot Framework Test Data EditorrobupyToolbox to explore robust dynamic discrete choice modelsRSQLServerRSQLServer wraps the jTDS Project's JDBC 3.0 SQL Server driver and extends the RJDBC classes and DBI...runestoneSphinx extensions for writing interactive documents.runipyRun IPython notebooks from the command lines4cmdSuper S3 command line toolsatcfeAbstração do acesso ao equipamento SAT (SAT-CF-e)scikit-tensorPython module for multilinear algebra and tensor factorizationsservicemanagerA python tool to manage developing and testing with lots of microservicesSGPdataThe package SGPdata contains three data sets utilized by the SGP Package as exemplars for users to s...slackerSlack API clientSMBLSnakeMake Bioinformatics Library.solar_radiation_modelA python script that estimates the solar radiation at the soil level.soypriceA python library to show the soy price in a twitter timeline.spark-ml-streamingA Python library for visualizing streaming machine learning in SparkspdynmodA spatio-dynamic modelling package that focuses on three characteristic wetland plant communities in...stationsA python service that allow to manage the ground stations.stdebPython to Debian source package conversion utilitytapioca-wrapperTapioca API wrappertc_shortenerURL ShortenertcRPlatform for the advanced analysis of T cell receptor repertoires data and visualisation of the anal...textocatUnofficial Textocat Python SDKthumborthumbor is an open-source photo thumbnail service by globo.comthumbor-pluginsOptimizers and filters contributed by the Thumbor communitythunder-pythonLarge-scale neural data analysis in SparktickeysInstant audio feedback when typing. For Linux.tonnikalaPython templating engine - the one ton solutiontoOrdinalFunction for converting cardinal to ordinal numbers by adding a language specific ordinal indicator ...Tornado-JSONA simple JSON API framework based on TornadotriggerTrigger is a framework and suite of tools for configuring network devicesttaTime Tracker Autocompleter for Muranosofttwarccommand line utility to archive Twitter search results as line-oriented-jsontweepyTwitter library for pythonTwitterAPIMinimal wrapper for Twitter's REST and Streaming APIstworktwork is a Tornado Application FrameWork, it supports plug-in module injection, the module called TworkApp.uiautomatorPython Wrapper for Android UiAutomator test toolUliwebEasy python web frameworkurljectsDjango URLS DRYed.vacMultyvac fork for PythonvaiVAI is a console-based IDE similar to VIMvcrpyAutomatically mock your HTTP interactions to simplify and speed up testingw1thermsensorThis little pure python module provides a single class to get the temperature of a w1 sensorwechatpywechatpy: WeChat SDK for PythonWooeyA Django app which creates a web GUI and task interface for argparse scriptsxgboostExtreme Gradient Boosting, which is an efficient implementation of gradient boosting framework. This...xgboostXGBoost: eXtreme Gradient Boosting library. Contributors: https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/blob/master/CONTRIBUTORS.mdxkcdpassGenerate secure multiword passwords/passphrases, inspired by XKCDXStatic-smart-tablesmart-table 1.4.5 (XStatic packaging standard)yo_paymentsPython Api Wrapper for the Yo Payments serviceziplineA backtester for financial algorithms.zorgPython framework for robotics and physical computing.