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trueskill (version 0.1)

AdjustPlayers: Update the Skills of a List of Players


Runs the trueskill algorithm and updates the skills of a list of players. Assumes each team has one player.


AdjustPlayers(players, parameters) AdjustPlayers(list(Alice, Bob), parameters)


is a list of player objects, for all the players who participated in a single game. A 'player object' is any object with a 'skill' field (a Gaussian) and a 'rank' field. Lower ranks are better; the lowest rank is the overall winner of the game. Equal ranks mean that the two players drew. This function updates all the skills of the player objects to reflect the outcome of the game. Not the function sorts the players by rank and returns the sorted list. Creates all the variable nodes in the graph. "Teams" are each a single player; there's a one-to-one correspondence between players and teams.
Parameters object to hold input variables: beta, epsilon and gamma. See Parameters for more details.


Run this code
  Alice  <- Player(rank = 1, skill = Gaussian(mu = 25, sigma = 25 / 3), name = "1")
  Bob    <- Player(rank = 2, skill = Gaussian(mu = 25, sigma = 25 / 3), name = "2")
  Chris  <- Player(rank = 2, skill = Gaussian(mu = 25, sigma = 25 / 3), name = "3")
  Darren <- Player(rank = 4, skill = Gaussian(mu = 25, sigma = 25 / 3), name = "4") 
  players <- list(Alice, Bob, Chris, Darren)
  parameters <- Parameters$new()
  players <- AdjustPlayers(players, parameters) 		

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