# align two sets of sequences
db <- system.file("extdata", "Bacteria_175seqs.sqlite", package="DECIPHER")
dna1 <- SearchDB(db, remove="common", limit=100) # the first 100 sequences
dna2 <- SearchDB(db, remove="common", limit="100,100") # the rest
alignedDNA <- AlignProfiles(dna1, dna2)
BrowseSeqs(alignedDNA, highlight=1)
# specify a DNA substitution matrix
subMatrix <- matrix(0,
nrow=4, ncol=4,
dimnames=list(DNA_BASES, DNA_BASES))
diag(subMatrix) <- 5 # perfectMatch
alignedDNA.defaultSubM <- AlignProfiles(dna1, dna2, substitutionMatrix=subMatrix)
# specify a different DNA substitution matrix
subMatrix2 <- matrix(c(12, 3, 5, 3, 3, 12, 3, 6, 5, 3, 11, 3, 3, 6, 3, 9),
nrow=4, ncol=4,
dimnames=list(DNA_BASES, DNA_BASES))
alignedDNA.alterSubM <- AlignProfiles(dna1, dna2, substitutionMatrix=subMatrix2)
# anchors are found automatically by default, but it is also
# possible to specify anchor regions between the sequences
anchors <- matrix(c(774, 788, 752, 766), nrow=4)
subseq(dna1, anchors[1, 1], anchors[2, 1])
subseq(dna2, anchors[3, 1], anchors[4, 1])
alignedDNA2 <- AlignProfiles(dna1, dna2, anchor=anchors)
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