## Not run:
# if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){
# data(exampleBLData)
# output <- BASH(exampleBLData,array=1,useLocs=FALSE)
# exampleBLData <- setWeights(exampleBLData, output$wts, array=1) #apply BASH weights to exampleBLData
# ###BASH only accepts one array at a time, but it can be made to run in a parallel fashion
# library(parallel)
# output <- mclapply(c(1,2), function(x) BASH(exampleBLData, array=x, useLocs=FALSE))
# for(i in 1:2){
# exampleBLData <- setWeights(exampleBLData, output[[i]]$wts, array=i)
# }
# #diffuse test is stricter
# output <- BASH(exampleBLData, diffsig = 0.00001,array=1, useLocs=FALSE)
# #more outliers on the error image are used in the diffuse analysis
# output <- BASH(exampleBLData, diffn = 2,array=1, useLocs=FALSE)
# #only perform compact & diffuse analyses (we will only get weights)
# output <- BASH(exampleBLData, extended = FALSE,array=1, useLocs=FALSE)
# #attempt to correct for background.
# output <- BASH(exampleBLData, bgcorr = "median",array=1, useLocs=FALSE)
# }
# else{
# stop("You will need the beadarrayExampleData package to run this example")
# }
# ## End(Not run)
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