Table ''Composition of the Monetary Aggregates'' indicates how the components are added for the Bank of Canada monetary aggregates. This version of the table is for new monetary aggregates released in January 2007.
Composition of the Monetary Aggregates
X means included; float is now included in all (gross) aggregates.
NetNonbankCheq = TMLCHEQPLUS + LCUCHEQPLUS - TMLinterbank;
NetNonbankTotal= MV37235 + MV37239 - TMLinterbank;
use NetNonbankTotal = NonbankTerm + NonbankCheq + NetNonbankNonCheq
to get NonbankTerm = NetNonbankTotal - (NetNonbankCheq + NonbankNonCheq);
adjM1pp ( = adjV37210 - adjV37213 ) adjustment is only for data prior to the sample used in Gilbert and Pichette.
CUadj changes an estimate of NonbankNonCheq/NonbankTerm split prior to April 1996. This only affects M1++.
Previously the components were defined using the B-number designations. The variables were as shown in table ''Previously Components Definitions''.
Previously Components Definitions
variable (ID)
The ''Previous Canadain Monetary Aggregates'' table indicates how these components were added for the Bank of Canada monetary aggregates in the past. The column on the left indicates how they are combined to form components for factor estimates as in Gilbert and Pichette (2003).
Previous Canadain Monetary Aggregates
X- included + float is in - float is out
NonbankCheq = TMLCHEQPLUS + LCUCHEQPLUS NonbankNonCheq = TMLNCPLUSPLUS + LCUNCPLUSPLUS NonbankTotal = NonbankTerm + NonbankCheq + NonbankNonCheq = MB2038M2P + MB2042 [actually NonbankTerm= NonbankTotal - (NonbankCheq + NonbankNonCheq ) ]
MB473adj ( = MB473PLUSPLUS - MB473 )adjustment is only for data prior to the sample used in Gilbert and Pichette.
CUadj changes an estimate of NonbankNonCheq/NonbankTerm split prior to April 1996. This only affects M1++.
Many of the MB numbers are related to B numbers from Statistics Canada's Cansim series identification system. The correspondence between these related B numbers and V number identifiers from the newer Statistics Canada Cansim II system is as shown in table ''Bank of Canada / Statistics Canada Cansim I and II numbers''.
Bank of Canada / Statistics Canada Cansim I and II numbers
Cansim ID
Cansim ID
The components in this database are not seasonally adjusted (SA), but the corresponding Bank of Canada / Statistics Canada numbers for the seasonally adjusted aggregates are as shown in table ''Monetary Aggregates and SA numbers''.
Monetary Aggregates and SA numbers
M1 total
########### Calculations to get new monetary aggregates ######
data("CanadianMoneyData", package="CDNmoney")
M1p <- tframed(V37173 + MV41552775 + MV41552777 + NetNonbankCheq + adjM1p,
names="M1+ (V37258)")
M1pp <- tframed(CUadj + M1p + MV36818 + MV36828 + adjM1pp + NonbankNonCheq,
names="gross M1++ (V37259)")
M2 <- tframed(V37173 + MV41552775 + MV41552777 + MV36818 + MV36828 + MV36823,
names="gross M2 (V41552786)")
M2p <- tframed(M2 + NetNonbankCheq + NonbankNonCheq + NonbankTerm +
+ V37243 + MV37244 + V37245, names="gross M2+ (V41552788)")
M2pp <- tframed(M2p + V37255 + V37256, names="gross M2++ (V41552790)")
M3 <- tframed(M2 + MV36830 + MV36876, names="gross M3 (V41552785)")
######### Plot aggregates #####
tfplot(tbind(currencyPerCapita, currencyReal))
tfplot(tbind(M1p, M1pp))
tfplot(tbind(M2, M2p, M2pp))
########### Calculations to get old monetary aggregates ######
data("CanadianMoneyData.asof.3Mar2006", package="CDNmoney")
#M1gross <- tframed(MB2001 + MB486 + MB487p + TMLinterbank, names="gross M1 (B2054)")
M1p <- tframed(MB2001 + MB486 + MB487p + MB452 + MB452adj + MB472
+ NonbankCheq, names="M1+ (B2060)")
M1pp <- tframed(CUadj + M1p + MB453 + MB473 + MB473adj + NonbankNonCheq,
names="M1++ (B2061)")
M2 <- tframed(M1total + MB472 + MB473 + MB452 + MB453 + MB454, names="M2 (B2031)")
M2p <- tframed(M2 + NonbankCheq + NonbankNonCheq + NonbankTerm
+ MB2046 + MB2047 + MB2048, names="M2+ (B2037)")
M2pp <- tframed(M2p + MB2057 + MB2058, names="M2++ (B2059)")
M3 <- tframed(M2 + MB475 + MB482, names="M3 (B2030)")
######### Calculations of cpi and pop ######
# M1real = M1total * 100/p100000 (CPI - p20 Bank of Canada Weekly Financial
# Statistics, June 1992=100)
# M1PerCapita = M1total * 100 /(pop * p100000) # using a quarterly population
# series converted to monthly using spline.
# Since M1 was discontinued, this was change to use currency, which is longer.
# cpi <- 100 * M1total / M1real
# seriesNames(cpi) <- "CPI"
# popm <- M1total / M1PerCapita
# seriesNames(popm) <- "Population of Canada"
# cpi <- 100 * M1p / M1pReal
# seriesNames(cpi) <- "CPI"
cpi <- 100 * V37173 / currencyReal
seriesNames(cpi) <- "CPI"
# popm <- M1p / M1pPerCapita
# seriesNames(popm) <- "Population of Canada"
popm <- V37173 / currencyPerCapita
seriesNames(popm) <- "Population of Canada"
######### Plot aggregates #####
#tfplot(tbind(M1total, M1gross, M1p, M1pp))
tfplot(tbind(M1p, M1pp))
tfplot(tbind(M2, M2p, M2pp))
#### Calculations to get components as used in Gilbert and Pichette ####
data("CanadianMoneyData.asof.3Mar2006", package="CDNmoney")
z <-tfwindow(tframed(tbind(
MB486 + MB452 ,
MB472 + MB473 + MB487p,
NonbankNonCheq + MB454 + NonbankTerm + MB2046 + MB2047 + MB2048 +
MB2057 + MB2058 + MB482 + MB453),
names=c("currency", "personal cheq.", "NonbankCheq",
"N-P demand & notice", "N-P term", "Investment")
), start=c(1986,1), end=c(2002,4))
MBcomponents <- 1e8 * z /matrix(tfwindow(popm * cpi, start=c(1986,1),
end=c(2002,4)),196, 6)
# 1e8 * gives real $ per person
#(MB numbers in millions, CPI in fraction*100, popm in persons.)
tfplot(MBcomponents, graphs.per.page=3)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab