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Compare-methods: Comparison Operators for '>db.obj objects


These binary operators perform comparison on '>db.obj objects


# S4 method for db.obj,db.obj
>(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,db.obj
<(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,db.obj
>=(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,db.obj
<=(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,db.obj
==(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,db.obj
!=(e1, e2)
# S4 method for character,db.obj
>(e1, e2)
# S4 method for character,db.obj
<(e1, e2)
# S4 method for character,db.obj
>=(e1, e2)
# S4 method for character,db.obj
<=(e1, e2)
# S4 method for character,db.obj
==(e1, e2)
# S4 method for character,db.obj
!=(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,character
>(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,character
<(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,character
>=(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,character
<=(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,character
==(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,character
!=(e1, e2)
# S4 method for numeric,db.obj
>(e1, e2)
# S4 method for numeric,db.obj
<(e1, e2)
# S4 method for numeric,db.obj
>=(e1, e2)
# S4 method for numeric,db.obj
<=(e1, e2)
# S4 method for numeric,db.obj
==(e1, e2)
# S4 method for numeric,db.obj
!=(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,numeric
>(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,numeric
<(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,numeric
>=(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,numeric
<=(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,numeric
==(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,numeric
!=(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,logical
==(e1, e2)
# S4 method for logical,db.obj
==(e1, e2)
# S4 method for db.obj,logical
!=(e1, e2)
# S4 method for logical,db.obj
!=(e1, e2)
# S4 method for character,db.obj
grepl(pattern, x, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)


e1, e2

numeric, character or '>db.obj object.


character string containing a regular expression (or character string for 'fixed = TRUE') to be matched in the given character vector.


A '>db.obj object.


if 'FALSE', the pattern matching is _case sensitive_ and if 'TRUE', case is ignored during matching.


logical. Should perl-compatible regexps be used? Not implemented yet.


logical. If 'TRUE', 'pattern' is a string to be matched as is. Overrides all conflicting arguments.


logical. Not implemented yet.


'>db.Rquery object, which contains the SQL query that computes the comparison operations.

See Also

'>db.Rquery contains a SQL query that does the operations.


Run this code
## get the help for a method
## help(">,db.obj,db.obj-method")
<!-- %% @test .port Database port number -->
<!-- %% @test .dbname Database name -->
## set up the database connection
## Assume that .port is port number and .dbname is the database name
cid <- db.connect(port = .port, dbname = .dbname, verbose = FALSE)

## create a table from the example data.frame "abalone"
delete("abalone", conn.id = cid)
x <- as.db.data.frame(abalone, "abalone", conn.id = cid, verbose = FALSE)

lk(x[x$length > 10,])

db.disconnect(cid, verbose = FALSE)
# }

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