## Cannot run these because there may not be an internet connection
## Not run:
# QueryTrueFX() #unauthenticated
# QueryTrueFX(pretty=FALSE)
# QueryTrueFX(parse=FALSE)
# ## For authenticated session, you must have a username and password (it's free).
# ## Use your username and passward instead of JSTrader and Ou812
# id <- ConnectTrueFX('EUR/USD,GBP/USD', username='JSTrader', password='Ou812')
# QueryTrueFX(id)
# QueryTrueFX(ConnectTrueFX(username='JSTrader', password='Ou812',
# format='csv'), parse=FALSE)
# QueryTrueFX(ConnectTrueFX(username='JSTrader', password='Ou812',
# format='html'), parse=FALSE)
# ## If you have shiny installed
# ## install.packages("shiny", repos="http://rstudio.org/_packages")
# library(shiny)
# runGist("4122626")
# ## view the code for this shiny app at
# #browseURL("https://gist.github.com/4122626")
# ## End(Not run)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab