## Rosenbrock Banana function
## The function has a global minimum f(x) = 0 at the point (1,1).
## Note that the vector of parameters to be optimized must be the first
## argument of the objective function passed to DEoptim.
Rosenbrock <- function(x){
x1 <- x[1]
x2 <- x[2]
100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2
## DEoptim searches for minima of the objective function between
## lower and upper bounds on each parameter to be optimized. Therefore
## in the call to DEoptim we specify vectors that comprise the
## lower and upper bounds; these vectors are the same length as the
## parameter vector.
lower <- c(-10,-10)
upper <- -lower
## run DEoptim and set a seed first for replicability
DEoptim(Rosenbrock, lower, upper)
## increase the population size
DEoptim(Rosenbrock, lower, upper, DEoptim.control(NP = 100))
## change other settings and store the output
outDEoptim <- DEoptim(Rosenbrock, lower, upper, DEoptim.control(NP = 80,
itermax = 400, F = 1.2, CR = 0.7))
## plot the output
## 'Wild' function, global minimum at about -15.81515
Wild <- function(x)
10 * sin(0.3 * x) * sin(1.3 * x^2) +
0.00001 * x^4 + 0.2 * x + 80
plot(Wild, -50, 50, n = 1000, main = "'Wild function'")
outDEoptim <- DEoptim(Wild, lower = -50, upper = 50,
control = DEoptim.control(trace = FALSE))
DEoptim(Wild, lower = -50, upper = 50,
control = DEoptim.control(NP = 50))
## The below examples shows how the call to DEoptim can be
## parallelized.
## Note that if your objective function requires packages to be
## loaded or has arguments supplied via \code{...}, these should be
## specified using the \code{packages} and \code{parVar} arguments
## in control.
if (FALSE) {
Genrose <- function(x) {
## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters)
n <- length(x)
## make it take some time ...
1.0 + sum (100 * (x[-n]^2 - x[-1])^2 + (x[-1] - 1)^2)
# get some run-time on simple problems
maxIt <- 250
n <- 5
oneCore <- system.time( DEoptim(fn=Genrose, lower=rep(-25, n), upper=rep(25, n),
control=list(NP=10*n, itermax=maxIt)))
withParallel <- system.time( DEoptim(fn=Genrose, lower=rep(-25, n), upper=rep(25, n),
control=list(NP=10*n, itermax=maxIt, parallelType=1)))
## Compare timings
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab