## =========================================================================
## Residuals from the daspk chemical model, production a forcing function
## =========================================================================
## Parameter values and initial conditions
## see example(daspk) for a more comprehensive implementation
pars <- c(K = 1, ka = 1e6, r = 1)
## Initial conc; D is in equilibrium with A,B
y <- c(A = 2, B = 3, D = 2 * 3/pars["K"])
## Initial rate of change
dy <- c(dA = 0, dB = 0, dD = 0)
## production increases with time
prod <- matrix(ncol = 2,
data = c(seq(0, 100, by = 10), seq(0.1, 0.5, len = 11)))
DLLres(y = y, dy = dy, times = 5, res = "chemres",
dllname = "deSolve", initfunc = "initparms",
initforc = "initforcs", parms = pars, forcings = prod,
nout = 2, outnames = c("CONC", "Prod"))
# }
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