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Rolexa (version 1.28.0)

DeCorrelateChannels: Correct for global correlations and biases


Functions to correct for global correlations between color channels or between successive sequencing cycles


"DeCorrelateChannels"(int,cycles=seq(1,dim(int)[3],by=1),theta=matrix(rep(c(0.8806742,1.3727418,0.883865,1.545728),length(cycles)),ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)) "DeCorrelateChannels"(int,cycles=seq(1,dim(int)[3],by=1),theta=matrix(rep(c(0.8806742,1.3727418,0.883865,1.545728),length(cycles)),ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)) DeCorrelateChannels(int,...) "OptimizeAngle"(int,cycles=seq(1,dim(int)[3],by=1),...) OptimizeAngle(int,...) "DeCorrelateCycles"(int,ncycles=dim(int)[3],rate=1.8e-2) "DeCorrelateCycles"(int,ncycles=dim(int)[3],rate=1.8e-2) DeCorrelateCycles(int,...) "OptimizeRate"(int,ncycles=dim(int)[3],...) OptimizeRate(int,...) "TileNormalize"(run=Rolexa.env,int,cycles=seq(1,dim(int)[3],by=1)) TileNormalize(run,...)


a RolexaRun object defining the run parameters
a SolexaIntensity object or an array
cycles, ncycles
the cycles or the number of cycles (starting from 1) to apply the correction to
a length(cycles)*4 matrix with four angles per cycle defining the coordinate changes
the rate of nucleotide mis-incorporation at each cycle
additional arguments passed to optim


, DeCorrelateChannels and DeCorrelateCycles return an object of the same type as int corrected for spurious correlations. OptimizeAngle returns an length(cycles)*4 matrix and OptimizeRate returns a single positive real number.


DeCorrelateChannels applies to coordinate transforms: one transforming the axes 1,2 to the axes with angles theta[,1:2] relative to axis 1, and similarly with axes 3,4 and angles theta[,3:4]. These angles can be calculated with OptimizeAngle which minimizes the correlations between channel 1 and 2, and between channel 3 and 4, for each cycle. DeCorrelateCycles assumes that at each cycles, a fraction rate of sequences fail to incorporate any nucleotides and therefore the sequence lengths at each colony display a binomial distribution which is corrected for by taking into account the intensity measured at previous cycles. OptimizeRate calculates a rate that minimizes correlations between consecutives cycles.

TileNormalize estimates the local trend by loess fitting of the model int ~ x+y and substracts it from the intensity matrix.


Probabilistic base calling of Solexa sequencing data, BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:431

See Also



Run this code
path = SolexaPath(system.file("extdata", package="ShortRead"))
rolenv = SetModel(idsep="_")
int = readIntensities(path,pattern="s_1_0001",withVariability=FALSE)

int1 = DeCorrelateChannels(int=int,cycles=1:5,theta=OptimizeAngle(int=int,cycles=1:5))
int2 = DeCorrelateCycles(int=int1,ncycles=5,rate=OptimizeRate(int=int1))
int3 = TileNormalize(run=rolenv,int=int,cycles=1)
seq = CombineReads(run=rolenv,path=path,pattern="s_1_0001_seq*")

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