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ASparameter-classes: Classes ``ASparameter'', ``APparameter'', ``ECparameter'' --- Specifying the `parameter' Argument of apriori() and eclat()


The ASparameter class holds the mining parameters (e.g., minimum support) for the used mining algorithms. APparameter and ECparameter directly extend ASparameter with additional slots for parameters only suitable for the Apriori (APparameter) or the Eclat algorithms (ECparameter).


Objects from the Class

A suitable default parameter object will be automatically created by the apriori or the eclat function. By specifying a named list (names equal to slots) as parameter argument for the apriori or the eclat function, default values can be replaced by the values in the list. Objects can be created by calls of the form new("APparameter", ...) or new("ECparameter", ...).


Christian Borgelt (2004) Apriori --- Finding Association Rules/Hyperedges with the Apriori Algorithm. http://fuzzy.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/~borgelt/apriori.html

See Also

apriori, eclat