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TropFishR (version 1.6.1)



Electronic LEngth Frequency ANalysis with simulated annealing for estimating growth parameters.


ELEFAN_SA(x, seasonalised = FALSE, init_par = list(Linf = 50, K = 0.5,
  t_anchor = 0.5, C = 0, ts = 0), low_par = NULL, up_par = NULL,
  SA_time = 60 * 1, maxit = NULL, nb.stop.improvement = NULL,
  SA_temp = 1e+05, verbose = TRUE, MA = 5, addl.sqrt = FALSE,
  agemax = NULL, flagging.out = TRUE, plot = FALSE, plot.score = TRUE)



a list consisting of following parameters:

  • midLengths midpoints of the length classes,

  • dates dates of sampling times (class Date),

  • catch matrix with catches/counts per length class (row) and sampling date (column);


logical; indicating if the seasonalised von Bertalanffy growth function should be applied (default: FALSE).


a list providing the Initial values for the components to be optimized. When set to NULL the following default values are used:

  • Linf length infinity in cm (default is the maximum length class in the data),

  • K curving coefficient (default: 0.5),

  • t_anchor time point anchoring growth curves in year-length coordinate system, corrsponds to peak spawning month (range: 0 to 1, default: 0.5),

  • C amplitude of growth oscillation (range: 0 to 1, default: 0),

  • ts summer point (ts = WP - 0.5) (range: 0 to 1, default: 0);


a list providing the lower bounds for components. When set to NULL the following default values are used:

  • Linf length infinity in cm (default is calculated from maximum length class in the data),

  • K curving coefficient (default: 0.01),

  • t_anchor time point anchoring growth curves in year-length coordinate system, corrsponds to peak spawning month (range: 0 to 1, default: 0),

  • C amplitude of growth oscillation (range: 0 to 1, default: 0),

  • ts summer point (ts = WP - 0.5) (range: 0 to 1, default: 0);


a list providing the upper bounds for components. When set to NULL the following default values are used:

  • Linf length infinity in cm (default is calculated from maximum length class in the data),

  • K curving coefficient (default: 0.01),

  • t_anchor time point anchoring growth curves in year-length coordinate system, corrsponds to peak spawning month (range: 0 to 1, default: 0),

  • C amplitude of growth oscillation (range: 0 to 1, default: 0),

  • ts summer point (ts = WP - 0.5) (range: 0 to 1, default: 0);


numeric; Maximum running time in seconds (default : 60 * 1).


Integer. Maximum number of iterations of the algorithm. Default is NULL.


Integer. The program will stop when there is no any improvement in 'nb.stop.improvement' steps. Default is NULL


numeric; Initial value for temperature (default : 1e5).


logical; TRUE means that messages from the algorithm are shown (default : TRUE).


number indicating over how many length classes the moving average should be performed (defalut: 5, for more information see lfqRestructure).


Passed to lfqRestructure. Applied an additional square-root transformation of positive values according to Brey et al. (1988). (default: FALSE, for more information see lfqRestructure).


maximum age of species; default NULL, then estimated from Linf


logical; passed to lfqFitCurves. Default is TRUE


logical; Plot restructured counts with fitted lines using plot.lfq and lfqFitCurves (default : FALSE).


logical; Plot simulated annealing score progression. (Default: plot.score=TRUE)


A list with the input parameters and following list objects:

  • rcounts: restructured frequencies,

  • peaks_mat: matrix with positive peaks with distinct values,

  • ASP: available sum of peaks, sum of posititve peaks which could be potential be hit by growth curves,

  • ncohort: maximum age of species,

  • agemax: maximum age of species,

  • par: a list with the parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth function:

    • Linf: length infinity in cm,

    • K: curving coefficient;

    • t_anchor: time point anchoring growth curves in year-length coordinate system, corrsponds to peak spawning month,

    • C: amplitude of growth oscillation (if seasonalised = TRUE),

    • ts: summer point of oscillation (ts = WP - 0.5) (if seasonalised = TRUE),

    • phiL: growth performance index defined as phiL = log10(K) + 2 * log10(Linf);

  • Rn_max: highest score value (absolute value of cost function, comparable with ELEFAN and ELEFAN_GA).


A more detailed description of the simulated annealing (SA) can be found in Xiang et al. (2013). The score value cost_value is not comparable with the score value of the other ELEFAN functions (ELEFAN or ELEFAN_GA).


Brey, T., Soriano, M., and Pauly, D. 1988. Electronic length frequency analysis: a revised and expanded user's guide to ELEFAN 0, 1 and 2.

Pauly, D. and N. David, 1981. ELEFAN I, a BASIC program for the objective extraction of growth parameters from length-frequency data. Meeresforschung, 28(4):205-211

Xiang, Y., Gubian, S., Suomela, B., & Hoeng, J. (2013). Generalized simulated annealing for global optimization: the GenSA Package. R Journal, 5(1), 13-28.


Run this code
## synthetic lfq data example
plot(synLFQ4, Fname="catch")

# ELEFAN_SA (takes approximately 2 minutes)
output <- ELEFAN_SA(synLFQ4, SA_time = 60*2, seasonalised = TRUE, MA = 11,
  init_par = list(Linf = 75, K = 0.5, t_anchor = 0.5, C = 0.5, ts = 0.5),
  low_par = list(Linf = 70, K = 0.3, t_anchor = 0, C = 0, ts = 0),
  up_par = list(Linf = 90, K = 0.7, t_anchor = 1, C = 1, ts = 1))

# view fit

# or
plot(output, draw = FALSE)
lfqFitCurves(output, col=1, par=output$par, draw=TRUE)$ESP

# compare to original parameters
tmp <- lfqFitCurves(output, col=4, lty=1,
   par=list(Linf=80, K=0.5, t_anchor=0.25, C=0.75, ts=0.5), draw=TRUE)
# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab