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EnvStats (version 2.3.0)

FcnsByCatEstDistParams: EnvStats Functions for Estimating Distribution Parameters


The EnvStats functions listed below are useful for estimating distribution parameters and optionally constructing confidence intervals.



Function Name Description
ebeta Estimate parameters of a Beta distribution
ebinom Estimate parameter of a Binomial distribution
eexp Estimate parameter of an Exponential distribution
eevd Estimate parameters of an Extreme Value distribution
egamma Estimate shape and scale parameters of a Gamma distribution
egammaAlt Estimate mean and CV parameters of a Gamma distribution
egevd Estimate parameters of a Generalized Extreme Value distribution
egeom Estimate parameter of a Geometric distribution
ehyper Estimate parameter of a Hypergeometric distribution
elogis Estimate parameters of a Logistic distribution
elnorm Estimate parameters of a Lognormal distribution (log-scale)
elnormAlt Estimate parameters of a Lognormal distribution (original scale)
elnorm3 Estimate parameters of a Three-Parameter Lognormal distribution
enbinom Estimate parameter of a Negative Binomial distribution
enorm Estimate parameters of a Normal distribution
epareto Estimate parameters of a Pareto distribution
epois Estimate parameter of a Poisson distribution
eunif Estimate parameters of a Uniform distribution
eweibull Estimate parameters of a Weibull distribution
ezmlnorm Estimate parameters of a Zero-Modified Lognormal (Delta)
distribution (log-Scale)
ezmlnormAlt Estimate parameters of a Zero-Modified Lognormal (Delta)
distribution (original Scale)
ezmnorm Estimate parameters of a Zero-Modified Normal distribution