A list with class name "FitARMA" and components:
loglikelihood value of the loglikelihood
phiHat AR coefficients
thetaHat MA coefficients
sigsqHat innovation variance estimate
muHat estimate of the mean
covHat covariance matrix of the coefficient estimates
racf residual autocorrelations
LjungBoxtable of Ljung-Box portmanteau test statistics
resinnovation residuals, same length as z
fitsfitted values, same length as z
demean TRUE if mean estimated otherwise assumed zero
IterationCount number of iterations in mean mle estimation
convergence value returned by optim -- should be 0
MLEMeanQ TRUE if mle for mean algorithm used
callresult from match.call() showing how the function was called
ModelTitledescription of model
DataTitlereturns attr(z,"title")