# see rotations for more examples
data(Harman, package = "GPArotation")
GPFRSorth(Harman8, method = "quartimax")
GPFRSoblq(Harman8, method = "quartimin", normalize = TRUE)
loadings( quartimin(Harman8, normalize = TRUE) )
# using random starts
data("WansbeekMeijer", package = "GPArotation")
fa.unrotated <- factanal(factors = 3, covmat=NetherlandsTV, normalize=TRUE, rotation="none")
GPFRSoblq(loadings(fa.unrotated), normalize = TRUE, method = "oblimin", randomStarts = 100)
oblimin(loadings(fa.unrotated), randomStarts=100)
data(Thurstone, package = "GPArotation")
geominQ(box26, normalize = TRUE, randomStarts=100)
# displaying results of factor analysis rotation output
origdigits <- options("digits")
Abor.unrotated <- factanal(factors = 2, covmat = ability.cov, rotation = "none")
Abor <- oblimin(loadings(Abor.unrotated), randomStarts = 20)
print(Abor, sortLoadings=FALSE) #this matches the output passed to factanal
print(Abor, Table=TRUE)
print(Abor, rotateMat=TRUE)
print(Abor, digits=2)
# by default provides the structure matrix for oblique rotation
summary(Abor, Structure=FALSE)
options(digits = origdigits$digits)
# GPArotation output does sort loadings, but use print to obtain if needed
xusl <- quartimin(Harman8, normalize = TRUE, randomStarts=100)
# loadings without ordering (default)
max(abs(print(xusl)$loadings - xusl$loadings)) == 0 # FALSE
# output sorted loadings via print (not default)
xsl <- print(xusl)
max(abs(print(xsl)$loadings - xsl$loadings)) == 0 # TRUE
# Kaiser normalization is used when normalize=TRUE
factanal(factors = 2, covmat = ability.cov, rotation = "oblimin",
control=list(rotate=list(normalize = TRUE)))
# Cureton-Mulaik normalization can be done by passing values to the rotation
# may result in convergence problems
NormalizingWeightCM <- function (L) {
Dk <- diag(sqrt(diag(L %*% t(L)))^-1) %*% L
wghts <- rep(0, nrow(L))
fpls <- Dk[, 1]
acosi <- acos(ncol(L)^(-1/2))
for (i in 1:nrow(L)) {
num <- (acosi - acos(abs(fpls[i])))
dem <- (acosi - (function(a, m) ifelse(abs(a) < (m^(-1/2)), pi/2, 0))(fpls[i], ncol(L)))
wghts[i] <- cos(num/dem * pi/2)^2 + 0.001
Dv <- wghts * sqrt(diag(L %*% t(L)))^-1
quartimin(Harman8, normalize = NormalizingWeightCM(Harman8), randomStarts=100)
quartimin(Harman8, normalize = TRUE, randomStarts=100)
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