sampling frequency of wave (in Hz). Does not need to be specified if embedded in wave.
window length for spectral entropy analysis
(even number of points). See sh.
the type of envelope to be used: either "abs" for absolute
amplitude envelope or "hil" for Hilbert amplitude envelope. See env.
a vector of length 2 to smooth the amplitude envelope with a
mean sliding window. The first component is the window length
(in number of points). The second component is the overlap between
successive windows (in %). See env.
A single value varying between 0 and 1 is returned. The value has no unit.
This function computes the product between the values obtained with
sh and th functions.
This then gives a global (time and frequency) estimation of signal entropy.
The frequency mean spectrum and the amplitude envelope needed for computing
respectively sh and th are automatically generated.
They can be controlled through wl and smooth arguments respectively.
See examples below and examples in sh and th
for implications on the results.
Sueur, J., Pavoine, S., Hamerlynck, O. & Duvail, S. (2008) - Rapid acoustic survey for biodiversity appraisal. PLoS ONE, 3(12): e4065.
# NOT RUN {data(orni)
# changing the spectral parameter (wl)H(orni,f=22050,wl=1024)
# changing the temporal parameter (msmooth)H(orni,f=22050,msmooth=c(20,0))
# }