### Simulate dataset ###
# Input:
N <- 6 # Number of nodes
nSample <- 1000 # Number of samples
# Ising parameters:
Graph <- matrix(sample(0:1,N^2,TRUE,prob = c(0.8, 0.2)),N,N) * runif(N^2,0.5,2)
Graph <- pmax(Graph,t(Graph))
diag(Graph) <- 0
Thresh <- -rowSums(Graph) / 2
# Simulate:
Data <- IsingSampler(nSample, Graph, Thresh)
### Fit using IsingFit ###
Res <- IsingFit(Data, family='binomial', plot=FALSE)
# Plot results:
qgraph(Res$weiadj,fade = FALSE)
title("Estimated network")
qgraph(Graph,fade = FALSE)
title("Original network")
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