Visualization of pairwise Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) estimates generated by function pairwiseLD in a LD heatmap for each chromosome using the LDheatmap package (Shin et al, 2006) .
Object of class LDmat generated by function pairwiseLD and argument type="matrix"
Object of class gpData that was used in pairwiseLD
numeric. Return value is a plot for each chromosome in chr.
Optionally a path to a file where the plot is saved to
character. At the moment two file formats are supported: pdf and png. Default is "pdf".
logical. If fileFormat = "pdf" you can decide, if you like to have all graphics
in one file or in multiple files.
Further arguments that could be passed to function LDheatmap
Note: If you have an LDmat-object with more than one chromosome and you like to
plot all chromosomes, you need to put an empty line for each chromosome in your script after
the LDMap function!
Shin JH, Blay S, McNeney B, Graham J (2006). LDheatmap: An R Function for Graphical
Display of Pairwise Linkage Disequilibria Between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms.
Journal of Statistical Software, 16, Code Snippet 3. URL