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mirt (version 1.17.1)

M2: Compute the M2 model fit statistic


Computes the M2 (Maydeu-Olivares & Joe, 2006) statistic for dichotomous data and the M2* statistic for polytomous data (collapsing over response categories for better stability; see Cai and Hansen, 2013), as well as associated fit indices that are based on fitting the null model.


M2(obj, calcNull = TRUE, quadpts = NULL, theta_lim = c(-6, 6),
  impute = 0, CI = 0.9, residmat = FALSE, QMC = FALSE, suppress = 1,


an estimated model object from the mirt package
logical; calculate statistics for the null model as well? Allows for statistics such as the limited information TLI and CFI. Only valid when items all have a suitable null model (e.g., those created via createItem<
number of quadrature points to use during estimation. If NULL, a suitable value will be chosen based on the rubric found in fscores
lower and upper range to evaluate latent trait integral for each dimension
a number indicating how many imputations to perform (passed to imputeMissing) when there are missing data present. This requires a precomputed Theta input. Will return a data.frame object
numeric value from 0 to 1 indicating the range of the confidence interval for RMSEA. Default returns the 90% interval
logical; return the residual matrix used to compute the SRMSR statistic? Only the lower triangle of the residual correlation matrix will be returned (the upper triangle is filled with NA's)
logical; use quasi-Monte Carlo integration? Useful for higher dimensional models. If quadpts not specified, 15000 nodes are used by default
a numeric value indicating which parameter residual dependency combinations to flag as being too high. Absolute values for the standardized residuals greater than this value will be returned, while all values less than this value will be set to NA. Must b
additional arguments to pass


  • Returns a data.frame object with the M2 statistic, along with the degrees of freedom, p-value, RMSEA (with 90% confidence interval), SRMSR if all items were ordinal, and optionally the TLI and CFI model fit statistics


Cai, L. & Hansen, M. (2013). Limited-information goodness-of-fit testing of hierarchical item factor models. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 66, 245-276.

Maydeu-Olivares, A. & Joe, H. (2006). Limited information goodness-of-fit testing in multidimensional contingency tables Psychometrika, 71, 713-732.


Run this code
dat <- as.matrix(expand.table(LSAT7))
(mod1 <- mirt(dat, 1))
M2(mod1, residmat=TRUE) #lower triangle of residual correlation matrix

#M2 imputed with missing data present (run in parallel)
dat[sample(1:prod(dim(dat)), 250)] <- NA
mod2 <- mirt(dat, 1)
M2(mod2, impute = 10)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab