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This method chooses a "best-basis" using the Coifman-Wickerhauser (1992) algorithm applied to wavelet packet, wp.object, objects.
# S3 method for wp MaNoVe(wp, verbose=FALSE, …)
The wp object for which you wish to find the best basis for.
Whether or not to print out informative messages
Other arguments
A wavelet packet node vector object of class nvwp, a basis description. This can be fed into a basis inversion using, say, the function InvBasis.
Description says all
InvBasis, MaNoVe, MaNoVe.wst, wp.object, wp
# NOT RUN { # # See example of use of this function in the examples section # of the help of plot.wp # # A node vector vnv is created there that gets plotted. # # }
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