Rigby, R. A. and Stasinopoulos, D. M. (1994), Robust fitting of an additive model for variance heterogeneity,
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Stasinopoulos D. M. Rigby R. A. and Akantziliotou C. (2006) Instructions on how to use the GAMLSS package in R.
Accompanying documentation in the current GAMLSS help files, (see also http://www.gamlss.org/).
Stasinopoulos D. M. Rigby R.A. (2007) Generalized additive models for location scale and shape (GAMLSS) in R.
Journal of Statistical Software, Vol. 23, Issue 7, Dec 2007, http://www.jstatsoft.org/v23/i07.
Stasinopoulos D. M., Rigby R.A., Heller G., Voudouris V., and De Bastiani F., (2017)
Flexible Regression and Smoothing: Using GAMLSS in R, Chapman and Hall/CRC.