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tmap (version 1.4-1)

World: World, Europe, and Netherlands map


Maps of the world, Europe, and the Netherlands (province and municipality level), class SpatialPolygonsDataFrame





http://www.naturalearthdata.com for World and Europe http://www.happyplanetindex.org for World and Europe http://www.cbs.nl for NLD_prov and NLD_muni.


The default projections for these maps are Eckhart IV (World), Lambert azimuthal (Europe), and Rijksdriehoekstelsel (Netherlands). See below. To change the projection, use set_projection. Alternatively, the projection can be changed temporarily for plotting purposes by using the projection arugment of tm_shape (or qtm).

World World map. The default projection for this world map is Eckhart IV since area sizes are preserved, which is a very important property for choropleths.

Europe Europe map. The ETRS-LAEA projection is used by default for this map. This projection, as well as the bounding box, are also used in the maps published by Eurostat. Several countries are transcontinental and are partly located in Asia. From these countries, only data from Russia and Turkey have been included in this shape file since they are widely considered as European countries. The data is taken from the World data, where variables "part" and "EU_Schengen" have been added.

NLD_prov and NLD_muni, maps of the Netherlands at province and municipality level of 2013. The used projection is the Rijksdriehoekstelsel projection. Important: publication of these maps is only allowed when cited to Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and Kadaster Nederland as source.


Statistics Netherlands (2014), The Hague/Heerlen, Netherlands, http://www.cbs.nl.

Kadaster, the Netherlands' Cadastre, Land Registry, and Mapping Agency (2014), Apeldoorn, Netherlands, http://www.kadaster.nl.