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insectDisease (version 1.2.2)

negative: Information on negative host-parasite interactions


Hosts were challenged with pathogen, and did not become infected. These are data on what pathogens do not infect certain hosts.





A data.frame with 529 observations


  • ERNntr. EDWIP record number

  • PathogenSpecies. Pathogen species

  • DateEntered. Date of initial data entry

  • DateModified. Modification date of entry

  • LogMaxDose. Dosage, in many different units

  • HostStageTested. Host stage exposed to pathogen (e.g. Larvae, Nymph, Adult)

  • HostSpecies. Host species examined

  • Group. Pathogen group (e.g. viruses)

  • HighTaxon. General classification of pathogen (e.g. DNA virus)

  • LowTaxon. More specific classification of pathogen (e.g. Baculoviridae)

  • HostTaxID. Host NCBI ID number

  • HostGenus. Host genus

  • HostFamily. Host family

  • HostOrder. Host order

  • HostClass. Host class

  • PathTaxID. Pathogen NCBI ID number

  • PathGenus. Pathogen genus

  • PathFamily. Pathogen family

  • PathOrder. Pathogen order

  • PathClass. Pathogen class

  • PathKingdom. Pathogen kingdom