if (FALSE) {
(fm0 <- lmer(Reaction ~ (Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
(fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
(fm2 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + I(Days^2) + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
NSIM <- 50 ## Simulations in parametric bootstrap; default is 1000.
## Test for no effect of Days in fm1, i.e. test fm0 under fm1
PBmodcomp(fm1, "Days", cl=1, nsim=NSIM)
PBmodcomp(fm1, ~.-Days, cl=1, nsim=NSIM)
L1 <- cbind(0, 1)
## PBmodcomp(fm1, L1, cl=1, nsim=NSIM) ## FIXME
PBmodcomp(fm1, fm0, cl=1, nsim=NSIM)
anova(fm1, fm0)
## Test for no effect of Days and Days-squared in fm2, i.e. test fm0 under fm2
PBmodcomp(fm2, "(Days+I(Days^2))", cl=1, nsim=NSIM)
PBmodcomp(fm2, ~. - Days - I(Days^2), cl=1, nsim=NSIM)
L2 <- rbind(c(0, 1, 0), c(0, 0, 1))
## PBmodcomp(fm2, L2, cl=1, nsim=NSIM) ## FIXME
PBmodcomp(fm2, fm0, cl=1, nsim=NSIM)
anova(fm2, fm0)
## Test for no effect of Days-squared in fm2, i.e. test fm1 under fm2
PBmodcomp(fm2, "I(Days^2)", cl=1, nsim=NSIM)
PBmodcomp(fm2, ~. - I(Days^2), cl=1, nsim=NSIM)
L3 <- rbind(c(0, 0, 1))
## PBmodcomp(fm2, L3, cl=1, nsim=NSIM) ## FIXME
PBmodcomp(fm2, fm1, cl=1, nsim=NSIM)
anova(fm2, fm1)
## Linear normal model:
sug <- lm(sugpct ~ block + sow + harvest, data=beets)
sug.h <- update(sug, .~. -harvest)
sug.s <- update(sug, .~. -sow)
PBmodcomp(sug, "harvest", nsim=NSIM, cl=1)
PBmodcomp(sug, ~. - harvest, nsim=NSIM, cl=1)
PBmodcomp(sug, sug.h, nsim=NSIM, cl=1)
anova(sug, sug.h)
## Generalized linear model
mm <- glm(ndead/ntotal ~ sex + log(dose), family=binomial, weight=ntotal, data=budworm)
mm0 <- update(mm, .~. -sex)
### Test for no effect of sex
PBmodcomp(mm, "sex", cl=1, nsim=NSIM)
PBmodcomp(mm, ~.-sex, cl=1, nsim=NSIM)
## PBmodcomp(mm, cbind(0, 1, 0), nsim=NSIM): FIXME
PBmodcomp(mm, mm0, cl=1, nsim=NSIM)
anova(mm, mm0, test="Chisq")
## Generalized linear mixed model (it takes a while to fit these)
if (FALSE) {
(gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
data = cbpp, family = binomial))
(gm2 <- update(gm1, .~.-period))
PBmodcomp(gm1, "period", nsim=NSIM)
PBmodcomp(gm1, ~. -period, nsim=NSIM)
PBmodcomp(gm1, gm2, nsim=NSIM)
anova(gm1, gm2)
if (FALSE) {
## Linear mixed effects model:
sug <- lmer(sugpct ~ block + sow + harvest + (1|block:harvest),
data=beets, REML=FALSE)
sug.h <- update(sug, .~. -harvest)
sug.s <- update(sug, .~. -sow)
anova(sug, sug.h)
PBmodcomp(sug, sug.h, nsim=NSIM, cl=1)
PBmodcomp(sug, "harvest", nsim=NSIM, cl=1)
anova(sug, sug.s)
PBmodcomp(sug, sug.s, nsim=NSIM, cl=1)
PBmodcomp(sug, "sow", nsim=NSIM, cl=1)
## Simulate reference distribution separately:
refdist <- PBrefdist(sug, sug.h, nsim=1000, cl=1)
refdist <- PBrefdist(sug, "harvest", nsim=1000, cl=1)
refdist <- PBrefdist(sug, ~.-harvest, nsim=1000, cl=1)
## Do computations with multiple processors:
## Number of cores:
(nc <- detectCores())
## Create clusters
cl <- makeCluster(rep("localhost", nc))
## Then do:
refdist <- PBrefdist(sug, sug.h, nsim=1000, cl=cl)
## It is recommended to stop the clusters before quitting R:
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