psid <- plm.data(PSID7682, c("id", "year"))
## Baltagi & Khanti-Akom, Table I, column "HT"
## original Cornwell & Rupert choice of exogenous variables
psid_ht1 <- plm(log(wage) ~ weeks + south + smsa + married +
experience + I(experience^2) + occupation + industry + union + gender + ethnicity + education |
weeks + south + smsa + married + gender + ethnicity,
data = psid, model = "ht")
## Baltagi & Khanti-Akom, Table II, column "HT"
## alternative choice of exogenous variables
psid_ht2 <- plm(log(wage) ~ occupation + south + smsa + industry +
experience + I(experience^2) + weeks + married + union + gender + ethnicity + education |
occupation + south + smsa + industry + gender + ethnicity,
data = psid, model = "ht")
## Baltagi & Khanti-Akom, Table III, column "HT"
## original choice of exogenous variables + time dummies
## (see also Baltagi, 2001, Table 7.1)
psid$time <- psid$year
psid_ht3 <- plm(log(wage) ~ weeks + south + smsa + married + experience + I(experience^2) +
occupation + industry + union + gender + ethnicity + education + time |
weeks + south + smsa + married + gender + ethnicity + time,
data = psid, model = "ht")
# }
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