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QuantTools (version

Processor: C++ Processor class


C++ class documentation



candle timeframe in seconds

latencySend, latencyReceive

latency in seconds


Processor( int timeFrame, double latencySend, double latencyReceive )

Public Members and Methods

Name Return Type Description
onCandle( Candle candle ) std::function called on new candle event
onTick( Tick tick ) std::function called on new tick event
onMarketOpen() std::function called on trading hours start
onMarketClose() std::function called on trading hours end
onIntervalOpen() std::function called on intervals start
onIntervalClose() std::function called on intervals end
Feed( Tick tick ) void process by individual tick
Feed( Rcpp::DataFrame ticks ) void batch process, see 'Ticks' section
SendOrder( Order* order ) void send order to exchange

SetCost( Cost cost ) void set trading costs SetCost( Rcpp::List cost ) void see 'cost' in 'Options' section SetStop( Rcpp::List stop ) void see 'stop' in 'Options' section SetStartTradingTime( double t ) void see 'trade_start' in 'Options' section SetLatencyReceive( double x ) void see 'latency_receive' in 'Options' section SetLatencySend( double x ) void see 'latency_send' in 'Options' section SetLatency( double x ) void see 'latency' in 'Options' section SetTradingHours( double start, double end ) void see 'trading_hours' in 'Options' section SetPriceStep( double priceStep ) void see 'price_step' in 'Options' section SetExecutionType( ExecutionType executionType ) void see 'execution_type' in 'Options' section SetExecutionType( std::string executionType ) void see 'execution_type' in 'Options' section SetIntervals( std::vector<double> starts, std::vector<double> ends ) void see 'intervals' in 'Options' section AllowLimitToHitMarket() void see 'allow_limit_to_hit_market' in 'Options' section AllowExactStop() void see 'allow_exact_stop' in 'Options' section SetOptions( Rcpp::List options ) void see 'Options' section StopTrading() void if called trading stop triggered. See 'stop' in 'Options' section CanTrade() bool check if trading not stopped IsTradingHoursSet() bool check if trading hours set CancelOrders() void cancel active orders GetCandle() Candle get current candle GetPosition() int total executed position, positive means long, negative means short GetPositionPlanned() int total number of orders processing ( not executed or cancelled yet ) GetMarketValue() double total portfolio percent value ( initial value is 0 ) GetCandles() Rcpp::List candles history, see 'Candles' section GetOrders() Rcpp::List orders history, see 'Orders' section GetTrades() Rcpp::List trades history, see 'Trades' section GetSummary() Rcpp::List trades summary, see 'Summary' section GetOnCandleMarketValueHistory() std::vector<double> vector of portfolio value history recalculated on candle complete GetOnCandleDrawDownHistory() std::vector<double> vector of portfolio drawdown history recalculated on candle complete GetOnDayClosePerformanceHistory() Rcpp::List daily performance history, see 'Daily Performance' section

Execution Model

System sends new order and after latencySend seconds it reaches exchange. System receives confirmation of order placement latencyReceive seconds later. When execution conditions met on exchange - order is executed and system receives execution confirmation latencyReceive seconds later. When system sends cancel request to exchange and after latencySend seconds when exchange receives cancel request if order is not executed yet it is cancelled and cancellation confirmation is received by system after latencyReceive seconds. Two execution types supported trade(default) and bbo. trade type processes orders using tick prices and bbo processes orders using preceding tick bid and ask values. Market orders in bbo mode executed at worst price: at bid for sells and at ask for buys, in trade mode at current tick price. Buy limit orders executed when ask goes under order price and sell orders executed when bid goes above order price. In case limit order is placed in the market it is executed as market order if allow_limit_to_hit_market set to TRUE (default is FALSE).


Ticks must be a data.frame/data.table with at least the following columns:

Name Description
time time
price price

tick id is ticks row number.


Candles returned as data.table with the following columns:

Name Description
time time when formed
open first tick price
high maximum tick price
low minimum tick price
close last tick price
volume total volume traded


Orders returned as data.table with the following columns:

Name Description
id_trade trade id
id_sent tick id when order was sent to exchange
id_processed tick id when enter order execution or cancelled confirmation was received ( first tick after time_processed )
time_sent time when order was sent to exchange
time_processed time when order execution or cancelled confirmation was received
price_init initial price
price_exec execution price
side buy/sell
type limit/market/stop/trail
state new/registered/executed/cancelling/cancelled


Two orders are combined into trade by trade id. The first and the second orders are called enter and exit respectively. Trade side is long if enter order is buy and short if enter order is sell. Orders must be buy and sell only. Two buys or two sells not allowed. Trade can be

  • new when order to open trade is just placed

  • opened when trade is not closed yet

  • closed when trade is flat.

Trades returned as data.table with the following columns:

Name Description
id_trade trade id
id_sent tick id when enter order was sent to exchange
id_enter tick id when enter order execution confirmation was received ( first tick after enter time_executed )
id_exit tick id when exit order execution confirmation was received ( first tick after exit time_executed )
time_sent time when enter order sent to exchange
time_enter time when enter order execution confirmation was received
time_exit time when exit order execution confirmation was received
side side long/short
price_enter enter order execution price
price_exit exit order execution price
pnl trade pnl net
mtm mark-to-market
mtm_min min mark-to-market
mtm_max max mark-to-market
cost absolute trading cost
pnl_rel trade pnl net in basis points
mtm_rel mark-to-market in basis points
mtm_min_rel min mark-to-market in basis points
mtm_max_rel max mark-to-market in basis points
cost_rel relative trading cost in basis points


Back test summary statistics:

Name Description
from first tick time
to last tick time
days_tested number of trading days tested
days_traded number of trading days traded ( at least one order was executed )
n_per_day number of trades per day
n number of trades
n_long number of long trades
n_short number of short trades
n_win number of winning trades
n_loss number of loosing trades
pct_win percent of winning trades
pct_loss percent of loosing trades
avg_win average winning trade in basis points
avg_loss average loosing trade in basis points
avg_pnl average trade pnl in basis points
win total won in percent
loss total lost in percent
pnl total pnl in percent
max_dd maximum drawdown in percent
max_dd_start time the maximum drawdown started
max_dd_end time the maximum drawdown recovered
max_dd_length number of calendar days in the maximum drawdown period
sharpe annualized Sharpe ratio calulated on daily returns
sortino annualized Sortino ratio calulated on daily returns
r_squared R Squared calulated on daily PnL values

Daily Performance

Back test daily performance history:

Name Description
date date
return return
pnl cumulative pnl
drawdown drawdown
n_per_day number of closed trades


List of following elements. All options are optional.


list or data.table with items identical to Cost C++ class. E.g. if set to data.table( tradeAbs = -0.01, shortRel = -0.05 / 360 ) means you pay -$0.01 per executed order and -5% p.a. overnight short.


list or data.table with at least one item:


Trading stops when drawdown exceeds set value. E.g. if set to -0.02 then when drawdown exceeds 2% trading stops.


Trading stops when market value (P&L) is lower set value. E.g. if set to -0.05 then when market value (P&L) is lower than -5% trading stops.

If stop rule triggered no orders sent to exchange and opened trades closed by market orders.


POSIXct timestamp. All orders ignored until specified time. Useful to 'warm-up' strategy.

latency_send, latency_receive, latency

numeric value. Latency can be set by send/receive or overall. 'latency' sets send and receive latency as x / 2. See 'Execution Model' section.


numeric vector of length two. Sets trading hours start and end according to formula: hours + minutes / 60 + seconds / 3600. If set onMarketOpen, onMarketClose events are executed at corresponding times. E.g. if set to c( 10.25, 17.5 ) means onMarketOpen event called every day at '10:15' and onMarketClose event called every day at '17:30'. For convenience IsTradingHoursSet() method can be used to check wether trading hours are set.


if TRUE, limit order execution price set to market price if executed on same tick as registered.


if TRUE, stop order executed at set price.


if positive, limit order init price rounded to price_step down for buy orders and up for sell orders before placement. if negative, limit order init price rounded to price_step up for buy orders and down for sell orders before placement.


trade or bbo.


sorted multi row data.table with POSIXct timestamps columns start, end. Represents time intervals. At time start onIntervalOpen called and at time end onIntervalClose called.

See Also

Other backtesting classes: Candle, Cost, Indicator, Order, Tick

Other C++ classes: BBands, Candle, Cost, Crossover, Ema, Indicator, Order, RollLinReg, RollPercentRank, RollRange, RollSd, RollVolumeProfile, Rsi, Sma, Stochastic, Tick


Run this code
## Simple Moving Averages Crossover ##

# load tick data
data( 'ticks' )

# define strategy
strategy_source = system.file( package = 'QuantTools', 'examples/sma_crossover.cpp' )
# compile strategy
Rcpp::sourceCpp( strategy_source )

# set strategy parameters
parameters = data.table(
  period_fast = 50,
  period_slow = 30,
  timeframe   = 60

# set options, see 'Options' section
options = list(
  cost    = list( tradeAbs = -0.01 ),
  latency = 0.1 # 100 milliseconds

# run test
test_summary = sma_crossover( ticks, parameters, options, fast = TRUE )
print( test_summary )

# run test
test = sma_crossover( ticks, parameters, options, fast = FALSE )

# plot result
indicators = plot_dts(
test$orders[ side == 'buy' , .( time_processed, buy  = price_exec ) ],
test$orders[ side == 'sell', .( time_processed, sell = price_exec ) ] )$
lines( c( 'sma_fast', 'sma_slow' ) )$
lines( c( 'buy', 'sell' ), type = 'p', pch = c( 24, 25 ), col = c( 'blue', 'red' ) )

performance = plot_dts( test$indicators[, .( time, pnl = pnl * 100, drawdown = drawdown * 100 ) ] )$
lines( c( 'pnl', 'drawdown' ), c( '% pnl', '% drawdown' ), col = c( 'darkolivegreen', 'darkred' ) )

interval = '2016-01-19 12/13'
par( mfrow = c( 2, 1 ), oma = c( 5, 4, 2, 4 ) + 0.1, mar = c( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
indicators $limits( tlim = interval )$style( time = list( visible = FALSE ) )
performance$limits( tlim = interval )
title( 'Simple Moving Averages Crossover', outer = TRUE )
par( mfrow = c( 1, 1 ), oma = c( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), mar = c( 5, 4, 4, 2 ) + 0.1 )

# }
## Bollinger Bands ##

# load tick data
data( 'ticks' )

# define strategy
strategy_source = system.file( package = 'QuantTools', 'examples/bbands.cpp' )
# compile strategy
Rcpp::sourceCpp( strategy_source )

# set strategy parameters
parameters = data.table(
  n         = 100,
  k         = 0.5,
  timeframe = 60

# set options, see 'Options' section
options = list(
  cost    = list( tradeAbs = -0.01 ),
  latency = 0.1 # 100 milliseconds

# run test
test_summary = bbands( ticks, parameters, options, fast = TRUE )
print( test_summary )

# run test
test = bbands( ticks, parameters, options, fast = FALSE )

# plot result
indicators = plot_dts(
test$orders[ side == 'buy' , .( time_processed, buy  = price_exec ) ],
test$orders[ side == 'sell', .( time_processed, sell = price_exec ) ] )$
lines( c( 'lower', 'sma', 'upper' ) )$
lines( c( 'buy', 'sell' ), type = 'p', pch = c( 24, 25 ), col = c( 'blue', 'red' ) )

performance = plot_dts( test$indicators[, .( time, pnl = pnl * 100, drawdown = drawdown * 100 ) ] )$
lines( c( 'pnl', 'drawdown' ), c( '% pnl', '% drawdown' ), col = c( 'darkolivegreen', 'darkred' ) )

interval = '2016-01-19 12/13'
par( mfrow = c( 2, 1 ), oma = c( 5, 4, 2, 4 ) + 0.1, mar = c( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
indicators $limits( tlim = interval )$style( time = list( visible = FALSE ) )
performance$limits( tlim = interval )
title( 'Bollinger Bands', outer = TRUE )
par( mfrow = c( 1, 1 ), oma = c( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), mar = c( 5, 4, 4, 2 ) + 0.1 )

# }
## Bollinger Bands Market Maker ##

# load tick data
data( 'ticks' )

# define strategy
strategy_source = system.file( package = 'QuantTools', 'examples/bbands_market_maker.cpp' )
# compile strategy
Rcpp::sourceCpp( strategy_source )

# set strategy parameters
parameters = data.table(
  n         = 100,
  k         = 0.5,
  timeframe = 60

# set options, see 'Options' section
options = list(
  cost    = list( tradeAbs = -0.01 ),
  latency = 0.1, # 100 milliseconds
  allow_limit_to_hit_market = TRUE

# run test
test_summary = bbands_market_maker( ticks, parameters, options, fast = TRUE )
print( test_summary )

# run test
test = bbands_market_maker( ticks, parameters, options, fast = FALSE )

# plot result
indicators = plot_dts(
test$orders[ side == 'buy' , .( time_processed, buy  = price_exec ) ],
test$orders[ side == 'sell', .( time_processed, sell = price_exec ) ] )$
lines( c( 'lower', 'sma', 'upper' ) )$
lines( c( 'buy', 'sell' ), type = 'p', pch = c( 24, 25 ), col = c( 'blue', 'red' ) )

performance = plot_dts( test$indicators[, .( time, pnl = pnl * 100, drawdown = drawdown * 100 ) ] )$
lines( c( 'pnl', 'drawdown' ), c( '% pnl', '% drawdown' ), col = c( 'darkolivegreen', 'darkred' ) )

interval = '2016-01-19 12/13'
par( mfrow = c( 2, 1 ), oma = c( 5, 4, 2, 4 ) + 0.1, mar = c( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
indicators $limits( tlim = interval )$style( time = list( visible = FALSE ) )
performance$limits( tlim = interval )
title( 'Bollinger Bands On Limit Orders', outer = TRUE )
par( mfrow = c( 1, 1 ), oma = c( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), mar = c( 5, 4, 4, 2 ) + 0.1 )

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab