The returned matrix $\bf R$, say, is of the same dimension as the input
matrix $\bf A$. Each of its rows contains a vector, ${\bf u}_i$,
defining one Householder rotation, ${\bf H}_i =({\bf I} - {\bf u}_i {\bf
u}_i^\prime)$. The orthogonal matrix $\bf Q$ is
defined by: ${\bf Q}={\bf H}_1 {\bf H}_2 \ldots {\bf H}_r$.
This function is primarily useful for providing the null space of the
linear constraint matrix $\bf C$, from the linear constraints
${\bf Cp} = {\bf 0}$, as a series of Householder rotations of the form
used internally by mgcv(). It does not need to be called to set up a problem
for solution by mgcv.
Gill, Murray and Wright (1981) Practical Optimization, AcademicPress