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RandomFields (version 3.1.16)

Mathematial C functions: Transformation of coordinate systems


The functions provide mathematical c functions as RMmodels


RFcalc(model) R.minus(a, b, factor) R.plus(a, b, factor) R.div(a, b, factor) R.mult(a, b, factor) R.const(a) R.c(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, factor) R.p(proj, new, factor) R.is(a, is, b) R.lon() R.lat()
R.acos(a) asin(x) R.asin(a) atan(x) R.atan(a) atan2(y, x) R.atan2(a, b) cos(x) R.cos(a) sin(x) R.sin(a) tan(x) R.tan(a) acosh(x) R.acosh(a) asinh(x) R.asinh(a) atanh(x) R.atanh(a) cosh(x) R.cosh(a) sinh(x) R.sinh(a) tanh(x) R.tanh(a) exp(x) R.exp(a) log(x) R.log(a) expm1(x) R.expm1(a) log1p(x) R.log1p(a) logb(x) R.logb(a) R.exp2(a) log2(x) R.log2(a) R.pow(a, b) sqrt(x) R.sqrt(a) R.hypot(a, b) R.cbrt(a) R.ceil(a) abs(x) R.fabs(a) floor(x) R.floor(a) R.fmod(a, b) R.nearbyint(a) round(x, ...) R.round(a) trunc(x) R.trunc(a) R.lrint(a) R.llrint(a) R.lround(a) R.llround(a) R.copysign(a, b) R.erf(a) R.erfc(a) gamma(x) R.tgamma(a) lgamma(x) R.lgamma(a) R.rint(a) R.nextafter(a, b) R.nexttoward(a, b) R.remainder(a, b) R.fdim(a, b) max(...) R.fmax(a, b) min(...) R.fmin(a, b)


object of class RMmodel, in particular R.model
x,y,a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, ...
constant or object of class RMmodel, in particular R.model
one of "==", "!=", "<="< code="">, "<"< code="">, ">=", ">"
constant factor multiplied with the function. This is useful when linear models are built
selection of a component of the vector giving the location. Default value is 1.
coordinate system or other kind of isotropy which is supposed to be present at this model. It shold always be given if the coordinates are not cartesian.


Formally, the functions returns an object of class RMmodel, except for RFcalc that returns a scalar. Neither vectors nor parentheses are allowed.


adds two values

substracts two values

multiplies two values

devides two values

defines a constant

builds a vector

evaluates equalities and inequalities; note that TRUE is returned if the equality or inequality holds up to a tolerance given by RFoptions()$nugget$tol

takes a component out of the vector giving the location

R.lon, R.lat
longitudinal and latitudinal coordinate, given in the spherical system, i.e. in radians. (earth system is in degrees).

Sor the remaining models see the corresponding C functions for their return value. (For any ‘R.model’ type ‘man model’ under Linux.)

See Also

RMmodel, RFfctn, RMtrend


Run this code
RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again

## simple calculation
RFcalc(3 + R.sin(pi/4))

## calculation performed on a field
RFfctn(R.p(1) + R.p(2), 1:3, 1:3) 
RFfctn(10 + R.p(2), 1:3, 1:3) 

## calculate the distances between two vectors
print(RFfctn(R.p(new="iso"), 1:10, 1:10))

## simulation of a non-stationary field where
## anisotropy by a transform the coordinates (x_1^2, x_2^1.5)
x <- seq(0.1, 6, 0.12)
Aniso <- R.c(R.p(1)^2, R.p(2)^1.5)
z <- RFsimulate(RMexp(Aniso=Aniso), x, x)

## calculating norms can be abbreviated:
x <- seq(-5, 5, 5) #0.1)
z2 <- RFsimulate(RMexp() + -40 + exp(0.5 * R.p(new="isotropic")), x, x)
z1 <- RFsimulate(RMexp() + -40 + exp(0.5 * sqrt(R.p(1)^2 + R.p(2)^2)), x, x)
stopifnot(all.equal(z1, z2))

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