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RandomFields (version 3.1.36)

RFfractaldim: RFfractaldimension


The function estimates the fractal dimension of a process


RFfractaldim(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, data, grid, bin=NULL, vario.n=5, sort=TRUE, fft.m = c(65, 86), ## in % of range of l.lambda fft.max.length=Inf, fft.max.regr=150000, fft.shift = 50, # in %; 50:WOSA; 100: no overlapping method=c("variogram", "fft"), mode = if (interactive ()) c("plot", "interactive") else "nographics", pch=16, cex=0.2, cex.main=0.85, printlevel = RFoptions()$basic$printlevel, height=3.5, ...)


matrix of coordinates, or vector of x coordinates; if x is not given and data is not an sp object, a grid with unit grid length is assumed
vector of y coordinates
vector of z coordinates
the values measured; it can also be an sp object
determines whether the vectors x, y, and z should be interpreted as a grid definition, see Details. grid does not apply for T.
sequence of bin boundaries for the empirical variogram
first vario.n values of the empirical variogram are used for the regression fit that are not NA.
If TRUE then the coordinates are permuted such that the largest grid length is in x-direction; this is of interest for algorithms that slice higher dimensional fields into one-dimensional sections.
numeric vector of two components; interval of frequencies for which the regression should be calculated; the interval is given in percent of the range of the frequencies in log scale.
The first dimension of the data is cut into pieces of length fft.max.length. For each piece the FFT is calculated and then the average for all pieces is taken. The pieces may overlap, see the argument fft.shift.
If the fft.m is too large, parts of the regression fit will take a very long time. Therefore, the regression fit is calculated only if the number points given by fft.m is less than fft.max.regr.
This argument is given in percent [of fft.max.length] and defines the overlap of the pieces defined by fft.max.length. If fft.shift=50 the WOSA estimator is given; if fft.shift=100 no overlap exist.
list of implemented methods to calculate the fractal dimension; see Details
character. A vector with components 'nographics', 'plot', or 'interactive':

Usually only one mode is given. Two modes may make sense in the combination c("plot", "interactive") in which case all the results are plotted first, and then the interactive mode is called. In the interactive mode, the regression domain is chosen by two mouse clicks with the left mouse; a right mouse click leaves the plot.

vector or scalar; sign by which data are plotted.
vector or scalar; size of pch.
The size of the title in the regression plots.
integer. If printlevel is 0 nothing is printed. If printlevel=1 error messages are printed. If printlevel=2 warnings and the regression results are given. If printlevel>2 tracing information is given.
height of the grahics window
graphical arguments


The function returns a list with elements vario, fft corresponding to the 2 methods given in the Details.Each of the elements is itself a list that contains the following elements.


The function calculates the fractal dimension by various methods:
  • variogram method

  • Fourier transform


variogram method

  • Constantine, A.G. and Hall, P. (1994) Characterizing surface smoothness via estimation of effective fractal dimension. J. R. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 56, 97-113.


  • Chan, Hall and Poskitt (1995)

See Also

RMmodel, RFhurst


Run this code
RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again

x <- seq(0, 10, 0.001)
z <- RFsimulate(RMexp(), x)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab