#Operational Forecast Data Extraction
#NCEP output is always in GRIB2 format - this makes things easy for us
#An example for the Global Forecast System 0.5 degree model
#Get the latest model url
# }
urls.out <- CrawlModels(abbrev = "gfs_0p50", depth = 1)
#Get a list of forecasts, variables and levels
model.parameters <- ParseModelPage(urls.out[1])
#Figure out which one is the 6 hour forecast
#provided by the latest model run
#(will be the forecast from 6-12 hours from the current date)
my.pred <- model.parameters$pred[grep("06$", model.parameters$pred)]
#What region of the atmosphere to get data for
levels <- c("2 m above ground", "800 mb")
#What data to return
variables <- c("TMP", "RH") #Temperature and relative humidity
#Get the data
model.info <- GribGrab(urls.out[1], my.pred, levels, variables)
#Extract the data
model.data <- ReadGrib(model.info[[1]]$file.name, levels, variables)
#Reformat it
model.grid <- ModelGrid(model.data, c(0.5, 0.5))
#Show an image of world temperature at ground level
image(model.grid$z[2, 1,,])
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab