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tm (version 0.6-2)

Reader: Readers


Creating readers.





For getReaders(), a character vector with readers provided by package tm.


Readers are functions for extracting textual content and metadata out of elements delivered by a Source, and for constructing a TextDocument. A reader must accept following arguments in its signature:
a named list with the components content and uri (as delivered by a Source via getElem or pGetElem).

a character string giving the language.

a character giving a unique identifier for the created text document.

The element elem is typically provided by a source whereas the language and the identifier are normally provided by a corpus constructor (for the case that elem$content does not give information on these two essential items).

In case a reader expects configuration arguments we can use a function generator. A function generator is indicated by inheriting from class FunctionGenerator and function. It allows us to process additional arguments, store them in an environment, return a reader function with the well-defined signature described above, and still be able to access the additional arguments via lexical scoping. All corpus constructors in package tm check the reader function for being a function generator and if so apply it to yield the reader with the expected signature.

See Also

readDOC, readPDF, readPlain, readRCV1, readRCV1asPlain, readReut21578XML, readReut21578XMLasPlain, readTabular, and readXML.