Initializes the methylome matrix "Mu" for RefFreeCellMix
RefFreeCellMixInitialize(Y,K=2,Y.Distance=NULL, Y.Cluster=NULL,
largeOK=FALSE, dist.method = "euclidean", ...)
Matrix (m CpGs x n Subjects) of DNA methylation beta values
Number of cell types
Distance matrix (object of class "dist") to use for clustering.
Hiearchical clustering object (from hclust function)
OK to calculate distance matrix for large number of subjects? (See details.)
Method for calculating distance matrix
Additional parameters for hclust function
An m x K matrix of mean methylation values.
Initializes the methylome matrix "Mu" for RefFreeCellMix by computing the mean methylation (from Y) over K clusters of Y, determined by the Y.Cluster object. If Y.Cluster object does not exist, it will be created from Y.Distance (using additional clustering parameters if supplied). If Y.Distance does not exist, it will be created from t(Y). As a protection against attempting to fit a very large distance matrix, the program will stop if the number of columns of Y is > 2500, unless largeOK is explicitly set to TRUE.