#########Create graph and distribution used in Figure 2 of Voorman, Shojaie and Witten (2013):
p <- 100 #variables
n <- 50 #observations
#Generate Graph
g <- rdag(p,80)
mylayout <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(g)
plot(g, layout = mylayout, edge.color = "gray50",
vertex.color = "red", vertex.size = 3, vertex.label = NA,
edge.arrow.size = 0.4)
plot(moralize(g), layout = mylayout, edge.color = "gray50",
vertex.color = "red", vertex.size = 3, vertex.label = NA,
edge.arrow.size = 0.4)
#create a distribution on the DAG using cubic polynomials with random normal coefficients
#with standard deviations of 1, 0.5 and 0.5, (i.e. giving more weight to linear association than quadratic or cubic)
data <- generate.dag.data(g,n,basesd=c(1,0.5,0.5))
X <- data$X
#Fit conditional independence graph at one lambda , using the default basis functions (cubic polynomials).
fit1 <- SJ(X, lambda = 0.6)
#Fit conditional independence graph at 10 (hopefully reasonable) lambdas:
fit2 <- SJ(X, length = 10)
#Fit conditional independence graph using quadratic basis functions:
fit3 <- SJ(X, bfun = function(x){cbind(x,x^2)}, length = 10)
#Fit the DAG using default causal ordering 1:p, and at 10 lambdas
fit4 <- SJ.dag(X, length = 10)
#plot the DAGs, and the true graph
plot(g, layout=mylayout, edge.color = "gray50", vertex.color = "red", vertex.size = 3, vertex.label = NA, edge.arrow.size = 0.4, main="True DAG")
plot(fit4, layout = mylayout, which= 4, main= paste0("lambda = ",round(fit4$lambda[4],2) ))
plot(fit4, layout = mylayout, main = "min BIC")
###For additional replications using the same DAG distribution use e.g.
data <- generate.dag.data(g,n,funclist = data$funclist)
#### Screen out edges whose corresponding nodes have low spearman correlation:
# useful for approximating spacejam in high dimesnions
S <- cor(data$X, method = "spearman")
G.max <- S > 0.1
mean(G.max) #~75% of edges removed
system.time({fit.screen <- SJ(X, G.max = G.max,length=20)})
system.time({fit.noscreen <- SJ(X,length = 20)})
plot(fit.screen, layout=mylayout)
plot(fit.noscreen, layout=mylayout)
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