Plot recruitment deviations and associated quantities including derived measures related to bias adjustment.
subplots = 1:3,
plot = TRUE,
print = FALSE,
add = FALSE,
uncertainty = TRUE,
minyr = -Inf,
maxyr = Inf,
forecastplot = FALSE,
col1 = "black",
col2 = "blue",
col3 = "green3",
col4 = "red",
legendloc = "topleft",
labels = c("Year", "Asymptotic standard error estimate", "Log recruitment deviation",
"Bias adjustment fraction, 1 - stddev^2 / sigmaR^2"),
pwidth = 6.5,
pheight = 5,
punits = "in",
res = 300,
ptsize = 10,
cex.main = 1,
plotdir = "default",
verbose = TRUE
A list object created by SS_output()
vector controlling which subplots to create
plot to active plot device?
print to PNG files?
add to existing plot (not yet implemented)
include plots showing uncertainty?
optional input for minimum year to show in plots
optional input for maximum year to show in plots
include points from forecast years?
first color used
second color used
third color used
fourth color used
location of legend. see ?legend for more info
vector of labels for plots (titles and axis labels)
width of plot
height of plot
units for PNG file
Resolution of plots printed to files.
The default is res = 300
point size for PNG file
character expansion for plot titles
directory where PNG files will be written. by default it will be the directory where the model was run.
report progress to R GUI?