an object of class xts, or a time vector
(currently: Date, POSIXct, timeDate, yearmon and yearqtr; are supported;
see xts); in the latter case, it should be in time order
vector of class POSIXct holding end points of
time intervals
Objects from the Class
Objects of this class are not meant to be useful; only derived
classes can be meaningful
Object deriving from class "Spatial"
Object of class "xts"
signature(obj = "ST"): retrieves the attribute element
signature(obj = "ST"): retrieves the attribute element
signature(obj = "ST"): sets or replaces the attribute element
signature(obj = "ST"): sets or replaces the attribute element
% \item{plot}{\code{signature(x = "Spatial", y = "missing")}: plot method
% for spatial objects; does nothing but setting up a plotting region choosing
% a suitable aspect if not given(see below), colouring the plot background using either a bg= argument or par("bg"), and possibly drawing axes. }
% \item{summary}{\code{signature(object = "Spatial")}: summarize object}