A class containing input and output data produced by running the maxent
(Maximum Entropy) species distribution modeling algorithm. Object of this class can be directly visualized in Google Earth by using the plotKML-method
:object of class "character"
; vector of species name compatible with the rgbif
package; usually latin "genus" and "species" name
:object of class "SpatialPoints"
; occurrence-only records
:object of class "POSIXct"
; begin of the sampling period
:object of class "POSIXct"
; end of the sampling period
:object of class "MaxEnt"
(species distribution model); produced as an output of the dismo::maxent
function or similar
:object of class "Spatial"
(ideally "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"
or "SpatialPixelsDataFrame"
); assumed spatial domain that can be set by the user or it will be estimated by MaxEnt (see examples below)
:object of class "RasterLayer"
; contains results of prediction produced using the MaxEnt software
signature(obj = "SpatialMaxEntOutput")
: plots all MaxEnt output objects in Google Earth
Hijmans, R.J, Elith, J., (2012) Species distribution modeling with R. CRAN, Vignette for the dismo package, 72 p.
Royle, J.A., Chandler, R.B., Yackulic, C. and J. D. Nichols. (2012) Likelihood analysis of species occurrence probability from presence-only data for modelling species distributions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2011.00182.x
dismo package (https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=dismo)
maxlike package (https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=maxlike)
rgbif package (https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rgbif)
, dismo::maxent
, maxlike::maxlike
, rgbif::taxonsearch