# -------------------------------------------
# one or two numeric or categorical variables
# -------------------------------------------
# create data frame, mydata, to mimic reading data with rad function
# mydata contains both numeric and non-numeric data
# X has two character values, Y is numeric
n <- 12
X <- sample(c("Group1","Group2"), size=n, replace=TRUE)
Y <- round(rnorm(n=n, mean=50, sd=10),3)
mydata <- data.frame(X,Y)
rm(X); rm(Y)
# Analyze the values of numerical Y
# Calculate n, mean, sd, skew, kurtosis, min, max, quartiles
# short name
# Analyze the values of categorical X
# Calculate frequencies and proportions, totals, chi-square
# Only a subset of available summary statistics
# Get the summary statistics for Y at each level of X
# Specify 2 decimal digits for each statistic displayed
SummaryStats(Y, by=X, digits.d=2)
# -----------------
# entire data frame
# -----------------
# Analyze all variables in data frame mydata at once
# Any variables with a numeric data type and 4 or less
# unique values will be analyzed as a categorical variable
# Analyze all variables in data frame mydata at once
# Any variables with a numeric data type and 7 or less
# unique values will be analyzed as a categorical variable
# ----------------------------------------
# data frame different from default mydata
# ----------------------------------------
# variables in a data frame which is not the default mydata
# access the breaks variable in the R provided warpbreaks data set
# although data not attached, access the variable directly by its name
SummaryStats(breaks, by=wool, dframe=warpbreaks)
# Analyze all variables in data frame warpbreaks at once
# ----------------------------
# can enter many types of data
# ----------------------------
# generate and enter integer data
X1 <- sample(1:4, size=100, replace=TRUE)
X2 <- sample(1:4, size=100, replace=TRUE)
# generate and enter type double data
X1 <- sample(c(1,2,3,4), size=100, replace=TRUE)
X2 <- sample(c(1,2,3,4), size=100, replace=TRUE)
SummaryStats(X1, by=X2)
# generate and enter character string data
# that is, without first converting to a factor
Travel <- sample(c("Bike", "Bus", "Car", "Motorcycle"), size=25, replace=TRUE)
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