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R.utils (version 1.29.8)

System: Static class to query information about the system


Package: R.utils Class System Object ~~| ~~+--System Directly known subclasses: public static class System extends Object The System class contains several useful class fields and methods. It cannot be instantiated.


Fields and Methods

Methods: rll{ currentTimeMillis Get the current time in milliseconds. findGhostscript Searches for a Ghostview executable on the current system. findGraphicsDevice Searches for a working PNG device. getHostname Retrieves the computer name of the current host. getMappedDrivesOnWindows - getUsername Retrieves the name of the user running R. mapDriveOnWindows - openBrowser Opens an HTML document using the OS default HTML browser. parseDebian Parses a string, file or connection for Debian formatted parameters. unmapDriveOnWindows - }

Methods inherited from Object: $, $<-, [[, [[<-, as.character, attach, attachLocally, clearCache, clearLookupCache, clone, detach, equals, extend, finalize, gc, getEnvironment, getFieldModifier, getFieldModifiers, getFields, getInstantiationTime, getStaticInstance, hasField, hashCode, ll, load, objectSize, print, save