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TSdbi (version 2017.4-1)

TSput: Write Data to a Data Connection


Write data to a server.


TSput(x, serIDs=seriesNames(x), con=getOption("TSconnection"), ...)

TSdelete(serIDs, con=getOption("TSconnection"), vintage=getOption("TSvintage"), panel=getOption("TSpanel"), ...)

TSreplace(x, serIDs=seriesNames(x), con=getOption("TSconnection"), vintage=getOption("TSvintage"), panel=getOption("TSpanel"), ...)

# S4 method for ANY,missing,missing TSput( x, serIDs=seriesNames(x), con=getOption("TSconnection"), ...) # S4 method for ANY,DBIConnection,missing TSput( x, serIDs=seriesNames(x), con=getOption("TSconnection"), ...) # S4 method for ANY,character,ANY TSput( x, serIDs=seriesNames(x), con=getOption("TSconnection"), ...)

# S4 method for character,missing TSdelete( serIDs, con=getOption("TSconnection"), vintage=getOption("TSvintage"), panel=getOption("TSpanel"), ...) # S4 method for character,ANY TSdelete( serIDs, con=getOption("TSconnection"), vintage=getOption("TSvintage"), panel=getOption("TSpanel"), ...) # S4 method for character,missing,ANY,ANY TSdelete( serIDs, con=getOption("TSconnection"), vintage=getOption("TSvintage"), panel=getOption("TSpanel"), ...) # S4 method for character,ANY,ANY,ANY TSdelete( serIDs, con=getOption("TSconnection"), vintage=getOption("TSvintage"), panel=getOption("TSpanel"), ...)

# S4 method for default TSreplace( x, serIDs=seriesNames(x), con=getOption("TSconnection"), vintage=getOption("TSvintage"), panel=getOption("TSpanel"), ...)


A database connection.
time series data.
identifiers for series on the database.
character string indicating vintage of the series on the database (if supported by the database).
character string indicating panel of the series on the database (if supported by the database).
Arguments passed to other methods.


An object of class logicalId.


Class logicalId is a logical indicating if the operation succeeded, and also contains meta data indicating how to retrieve the data. (Except in the case of TSdelete the data cannot be retrieved.)

These functions write data to a database connection. TSreplace removes any existing object first. TSput will fail if a series with the same identifier already exists.

TSput and TSreplace provide ways to query a regularly used single database. The connection can be set in options using options(TSconnection=con) and then only the series identifiers need to be specified in calls to TSput and TSreplace.

TSdescription and TSdoccan also be set. (Passed in …).

If an appropriate table cannot be determined from the series it will be necessary to pass the Table argument (in …). The DBI/SQL interface uses the following tables:

A     for annual data
Q     for quarterly data
M     for monthly data
S     for semiannual data
W     for weekly data
D     for daily data
B     for business data
U     for minutely data
I     for irregular data with a date
T     for irregular data with a date and time
Meta  for meta data

See Also

TSdbi-package, TSdates, TSget, dbConnect