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tcltk (version 3.5.1)

TkWidgetcmds: Tk widget commands


These functions interface to Tk widget commands.


tkactivate(widget, ...)
tkadd(widget, ...)
tkaddtag(widget, ...)
tkbbox(widget, ...)
tkcanvasx(widget, ...)
tkcanvasy(widget, ...)
tkcget(widget, ...)
tkcompare(widget, ...)
tkconfigure(widget, ...)
tkcoords(widget, ...)
tkcreate(widget, ...)
tkcurselection(widget, ...)
tkdchars(widget, ...)
tkdebug(widget, ...)
tkdelete(widget, ...)
tkdelta(widget, ...)
tkdeselect(widget, ...)
tkdlineinfo(widget, ...)
tkdtag(widget, ...)
tkdump(widget, ...)
tkentrycget(widget, ...)
tkentryconfigure(widget, ...)
tkfind(widget, ...)
tkflash(widget, ...)
tkfraction(widget, ...)
tkget(widget, ...)
tkgettags(widget, ...)
tkicursor(widget, ...)
tkidentify(widget, ...)
tkindex(widget, ...)
tkinsert(widget, ...)
tkinvoke(widget, ...)
tkitembind(widget, ...)
tkitemcget(widget, ...)
tkitemconfigure(widget, ...)
tkitemfocus(widget, ...)
tkitemlower(widget, ...)
tkitemraise(widget, ...)
tkitemscale(widget, ...)
tkmark.gravity(widget, ...)
tkmark.names(widget, ...)
tkmark.next(widget, ...)
tkmark.previous(widget, ...)
tkmark.set(widget, ...)
tkmark.unset(widget, ...)
tkmove(widget, ...)
tknearest(widget, ...)
tkpost(widget, ...)
tkpostcascade(widget, ...)
tkpostscript(widget, ...)
tkscan.mark(widget, ...)
tkscan.dragto(widget, ...)
tksearch(widget, ...)
tksee(widget, ...)
tkselect(widget, ...)
tkselection.adjust(widget, ...)
tkselection.anchor(widget, ...)
tkselection.clear(widget, ...)
tkselection.from(widget, ...)
tkselection.includes(widget, ...)
tkselection.present(widget, ...)
tkselection.range(widget, ...)
tkselection.set(widget, ...)
tkselection.to(widget, ...)
tkset(widget, ...)
tksize(widget, ...)
tktoggle(widget, ...)
tktag.add(widget, ...)
tktag.bind(widget, ...)
tktag.cget(widget, ...)
tktag.configure(widget, ...)
tktag.delete(widget, ...)
tktag.lower(widget, ...)
tktag.names(widget, ...)
tktag.nextrange(widget, ...)
tktag.prevrange(widget, ...)
tktag.raise(widget, ...)
tktag.ranges(widget, ...)
tktag.remove(widget, ...)
tktype(widget, ...)
tkunpost(widget, ...)
tkwindow.cget(widget, ...)
tkwindow.configure(widget, ...)
tkwindow.create(widget, ...)
tkwindow.names(widget, ...)
tkxview(widget, ...)
tkxview.moveto(widget, ...)
tkxview.scroll(widget, ...)
tkyposition(widget, ...)
tkyview(widget, ...)
tkyview.moveto(widget, ...)
tkyview.scroll(widget, ...)



The widget this applies to

Handled via .Tcl.args


There are far too many of these commands to describe them and their arguments in full. Please refer to the Tcl/Tk documentation for details. Except for a few exceptions, the pattern is that Tcl widget commands possibly with subcommands like .a.b selection clear are converted to function names like tkselection.clear and the widget is given as the first argument.

See Also

TclInterface, TkWidgets, TkCommands


Run this code
## These cannot be run by examples() but should be OK when pasted
## into an interactive R session with the tcltk package loaded

tt <- tktoplevel()
tkpack(txt.w <- tktext(tt))
tkinsert(txt.w, "0.0", "plot(1:10)")

# callback function
eval.txt <- function()
   eval(parse(text = tclvalue(tkget(txt.w, "0.0", "end"))))
tkpack(but.w <- tkbutton(tt, text = "Submit", command = eval.txt))

## Try pressing the button, edit the text and when finished:

# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab