When a full model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Full")
in the function call), trial-level surrogacy is assessed by fitting the following univariate model:
$${\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{0}+\lambda_{1}{\mu_{Si}}+\lambda_{2}{\alpha}_{i}+ \varepsilon_{i}, (1)$$
where \(\beta_i\) = the trial-specific treatment effects on \(T\), \(\mu_{Si}\) = the trial-specific intercepts for \(S\), and \(\alpha_i\) = the trial-specific treatment effects on \(S\). The \(-2\) log likelihood value of model (1) (\(L_1\)) is subsequently compared to the \(-2\) log likelihood value of an intercept-only model (\({\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{3}\); \(L_0\)), and \(R^2_{ht}\) is computed based based on the Variance Reduction Factor (for details, see Alonso & Molenberghs, 2007):
$$R^2_{ht}= 1 - exp \left(-\frac{L_1-L_0}{N} \right),$$
where \(N\) is the number of trials.
When a reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Reduced")
in the function call), the following model is fitted:
The \(-2\) log likelihood value of this model (\(L_1\) for the reduced model) is subsequently compared to the \(-2\) log likelihood value of an intercept-only model (\({\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{3}\); \(L_0\)), and \(R^2_{ht}\) is computed based on the reduction in the likelihood (as described above).