## Not run:
# ## Setting stringsAsFactors = FALSE is highly recommended
# ## to avoid data frames to create factors from character vectors.
# options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# ## XBRL instance file to be analyzed, accessed
# ## directly from SEC website:
# inst <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/21344/000002134413000050/ko-20130927.xml"
# xbrl <- XBRL()
# xbrl$setCacheDir("XBRLcache")
# xbrl$openInstance(inst)
# ## Perform a discovery of the taxonomy:
# xbrl$processSchema(xbrl$getSchemaName())
# ## Process instance file:
# xbrl$processContexts()
# xbrl$processUnits()
# xbrl$processFacts()
# xbrl$processFootnotes()
# xbrl$closeInstance()
# xbrl.vars <- xbrl$getResults()
# ## End(Not run)
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