## One standard way to create an XStringViews object is to use
## the Views() constructor.
## Views on a DNAString object:
s <- DNAString("-CTC-N")
v4 <- Views(s, start=3:0, end=5:8)
## Attach a comment to views #3 and #4:
names(v4)[3:4] <- "out of limits"
## A more programatical way to "tag" the "out of limits" views:
names(v4)[start(v4) < 1 | nchar(subject(v4)) < end(v4)] <- "out of limits"
## or just:
names(v4)[nchar(v4) < width(v4)] <- "out of limits"
## Two equivalent ways to extract a view as an XString object:
s2a <- v4[[2]]
s2b <- subseq(subject(v4), start=start(v4)[2], end=end(v4)[2])
identical(s2a, s2b) # TRUE
## It is an error to try to extract an "out of limits" view:
#v4[[3]] # Error!
v12 <- Views(DNAString("TAATAATG"), start=-2:9, end=0:11)
v12 == DNAString("TAA")
v12[v12 == v12[4]]
v12[v12 == v12[1]]
v12[3] == Views(RNAString("AU"), start=0, end=2)
## Here the first view doesn't even overlap with the subject:
Views(BString("aaa--b"), start=-3:4, end=-3:4 + c(3:6, 6:3))
## 'start' and 'end' are recycled:
subject <- "abcdefghij"
Views(subject, start=2:1, end=4)
Views(subject, start=5:7, end=nchar(subject))
Views(subject, start=1, end=5:7)
## Applying gaps() to an XStringViews object:
v2 <- Views("abCDefgHIJK", start=c(8, 3), end=c(14, 4))
## Coercion:
as(v12, "XStringSet") # same as 'as(v12, "DNAStringSet")'
rna <- as(v12, "RNAStringSet")
as(rna, "Views")
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