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The smoothed and original data from a multiple wavelet decomposition structure, mwd.object
ect (e.g. returned from mwd
) are packed into a single matrix in that structure. TRUE his function extracts the data corresponding to a particular resolution level.
# S3 method for mwd
accessC(mwd, level = nlevelsWT(mwd), …)
Multiple wavelet decomposition structure from which you wish to extract the smoothed or original data if the structure is from a wavelet decomposition, or the reconstructed data if the structure is from a wavelet reconstruction.
The level that you wish to extract. By default, this is the level with most detail (in the case of structures from a decomposition this is the original data, in the case of structures from a reconstruction this is the top-level reconstruction).
any other arguments
A matrix with mwd$filter$npsi
rows containing the extracted data of all the coefficients at that level.
Version 3.9.6 (Although Copyright Tim Downie 1995-6.)
The mwd function produces a wavelet decomposition structure.
For decomposition, the top level contains the original data, and subsequent lower levels contain the successively smoothed data. So if there are mwd$filter$npsi*2^m
original data points (mwd$filter$npsi
is the multiplicity of wavelets), there will be m+1
levels indexed 0,1,...,m. So
accessC.mwd(Mwd, level=m)
pulls out the original data, as does
To get hold of lower levels just specify the level that you're interested in, e.g.
accessC.mwd(mwd, level=2)
Gets hold of the second level.
The need for this function is a consequence of the pyramidal structure of Mallat's algorithm and the memory efficiency gain achieved by storing the pyramid as a linear matrix of coefficients. AccessC obtains information about where the smoothed data appears from the fl.dbase component of mwd, in particular the array fl.dbase$first.last.c
which gives a complete specification of index numbers and offsets for mwd$C
Note also that this function only gets information from mwd class objects. To put coefficients into mwd structures you have to use the putC.mwd function.
See Downie and Silverman, 1998.
, draw.mwd
, mfirst.last
, mwd
, mwd.object
, mwr
, plot.mwd
, print.mwd
, putC.mwd
, putD.mwd
, summary.mwd
, threshold.mwd
, wd
# Get the 3rd level of smoothed data from a decomposition
dat <- rnorm(32)
accessC.mwd(mwd(dat), level=3)
# }
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