## purely technical example
plan <- FrF2(8,5, factor.names=c("one","two","three","four","five"))
add.center(plan, 6)
add.center(plan, 6, distribute=1)
add.center(plan, 6, distribute=6)
add.center(plan, 6, distribute=4)
## very artificial analysis example
plan <- FrF2(8,4, factor.names=list(one=c(0,10),two=c(1,3),three=c(25,32),four=c(3.7,4.8)))
## add some response data
y <- c(2+desnum(plan)%*%c(2,3,0,0) +
1.5*apply(desnum(plan)[,c(1,2)],1,"prod") + rnorm(8))
## the "c()" makes y into a vector rather than a 1-column matrix
plan <- add.response(plan, y)
## analysing this design provides an impression
MEPlot(lm(y~(.)^2, plan))
IAPlot(lm(y~(.)^2, plan))
DanielPlot(lm(y~(.)^2,plan), half=TRUE, alpha=0.2)
## tentative conclusion: factors one and two do something
## wonder whether the model with one and two and their interaction is sufficient
## look at center points (!!! SHOULD HAVE BEEN INCLUDED FROM THE START,
## but maybe better now than not at all)
## use distribute=1, because all center points are run at the end
planc <- add.center(plan, 6, distribute=1)
## conduct additional runs for the center points
y <- c(y, c(2+desnum(planc)[!iscube(planc),1:4]%*%c(2,3,0,0) +
1.5*apply(desnum(planc)[!iscube(planc),][,c(1,2)],1,"prod") + rnorm(6)))
## add to the design
planc <- add.response(planc, y, replace=TRUE)
## sanity check: repeat previous analyses for comparison, with the help of function iscube()
MEPlot(lm(y~(.)^2, planc, subset=iscube(planc)))
IAPlot(lm(y~(.)^2, planc, subset=iscube(planc)))
DanielPlot(lm(y~(.)^2, planc, subset=iscube(planc)), half=TRUE, alpha=0.2)
## quick check whether there a quadratic effect is needed: is the cube indicator significant ?
summary(lm(y~(.)^2+iscube(planc), planc))
## (in this unrealistic example, the quadratic effect is dominating everything else;
## with an effect that strong in practice, it is likely that
## one would either have expected a strong non-linearity before conducting the experiment,
## OR that the effect is not real but the result of some stupid mistake
## alternatively, the check can be calculated per hand (cf. e.g. Montgomery, Chapter 11):
## must be compared to the F-quantile with 1 degree of freedom
## is the square of the t-value for the cube indicator in the linear model
# }
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