If style is set to "detailed", the following information will be displayed:
x: x-position of the mouse cursor in projected coordinates
y: y-position of the mouse cursor in projected coordinates
epsg: the epsg code of the coordinate reference system of the map
proj4: the proj4 definition of the coordinate reference system of the map
lat: latitude position of the mouse cursor
lon: longitude position of the mouse cursor
zoom: the current zoom level
By default, only 'lat', 'lon' and 'zoom' are shown. To show the details about
epsg, proj4 press and hold 'Ctrl' and move the mouse. 'Ctrl' + click will
copy the current contents of the box/strip at the top of the map to the clipboard,
though currently only copying of 'lon', 'lat' and 'zoom' are supported, not
'epsg' and 'proj4' as these do not change with pan and zoom.