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secret (version 1.1.0)

add_secret: Add a new secret to the vault.


By default, the newly added secret is not shared with other users. See the users argument if you want to change this. You can also use share_secret() later, to specify the users that have access to the secret.


add_secret(name, value, users, vault = NULL)



Name of the secret, a string that can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes and dots.


Value of the secret, an arbitrary R object that will be serialized using base::serialize().


Email addresses of users that will have access to the secret. (See add_user())


Vault location (starting point to find the vault). To create a vault, use create_vault() or create_package_vault(). If this is NULL, then secret tries to find the vault automatically:

  • If the secret.vault option is set to path, that is used as the starting point.

  • Otherwise, if the R_SECRET_VAULT environment variable is set to a path, that is used as a starting point.

  • Otherwise the current working directory is used as the starting point.

If the starting point is a vault, that is used. Otherwise, if the starting point is in a package tree, the inst/vault folder is used within the package. If no vault can be found, an error is thrown.

See Also

Other secret functions: delete_secret(), get_secret(), list_owners(), list_secrets(), local_key(), share_secret(), unshare_secret(), update_secret()


Run this code
# }
# The `secret` package contains some user keys for demonstration purposes.
# In this example, Alice shares a secret with Bob using a vault.

keys <- function(x){
  file.path(system.file("user_keys", package = "secret"), x)
alice_public  <- keys("alice.pub")
alice_private <- keys("alice.pem")
bob_public  <- keys("bob.pub")
bob_private <- keys("bob.pem")
carl_private <- keys("carl.pem")

# Create vault

vault <- file.path(tempdir(), ".vault")
if (dir.exists(vault)) unlink(vault) # ensure vault is empty

# Add users with their public keys

add_user("alice", public_key = alice_public, vault = vault)
add_user("bob", public_key = bob_public, vault = vault)
list_users(vault = vault)

# Share a secret

secret <- list(username = "user123", password = "Secret123!")

add_secret("secret", value = secret, users = c("alice", "bob"),
           vault = vault)
list_secrets(vault = vault)

# Alice and Bob can decrypt the secret with their private keys
# Note that you would not normally have access to the private key
# of any of your collaborators!

get_secret("secret", key = alice_private, vault = vault)
get_secret("secret", key = bob_private, vault = vault)

# But Carl can't decrypt the secret

  get_secret("secret", key = carl_private, vault = vault)

# Unshare the secret

unshare_secret("secret", users = "bob", vault = vault)
  get_secret("secret", key = bob_private, vault = vault)

# Delete the secret

delete_secret("secret", vault = vault)

# Delete the users

delete_user("alice", vault = vault)
delete_user("bob", vault = vault)

# }

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